The Year of Lasts: Fun Midlife Sh*t Quickie Minisode

Show Notes

OMG! Empty nest! Am I becoming invisible? Will my kid ever text or call again? I am going from supervisor mom role to consultant mom role?

If you have a high school teen now or you have had one in the past, you know the feeling… “but we just had his 3rd birthday, and he just learned how to drive... What? How?” As midlifer's we are already hormonal, some days we are frumpy and lumpy and other days we can even feeling irrelevant and uninspired. And, for me, I have a kid leaving for college in the fall, OMG! MY KID?! Who will I be when “teen son” leaves the nest, then “teen daughter”?! I’m counting my midlife blessings we have teen daughter here for 2 more years to supervise me. 

Midlifers… I need to know how you are savoring this moments? Or even better how did you savor them? Is there hope? Do we ever stop checking their location? I’m recording this minisode on  The Year of Lasts to help fellow empty nesters feel seenm heard and normal. There is no better time than now to start that midlife remix.

In this week’s Fun Midlife Sh*t Quickie Minisode, The Year of Lasts, I use my golden sh*t shovel to dig deep into what the last year has felt like, the college process, and all the OMG's! Today's topic? Empty nest syndrome. And let me tell you, it's a real thing. One day, your home is bustling with the chaos of children and teens, and the next, it's eerily quiet and you can actually hear yourself think, again. You find yourself standing in your child's empty bedroom, wondering where the time went and how you'll fill the void.

Let's back up a bit. This past week, I experienced a whirlwind of emotions as my "teen son" Jake had his last baseball game, last prom, and last day of high school. I've been referring to this year as "The year of lasts," and boy, did it live up to its name. Every moment felt bittersweet, but I have been making a conscious effort to savor and enjoy it all.

Some Highlights: 

  • Year of Lasts [00:00:01] Dr. Sarah Milken talks about her upcoming empty nest as her son graduates high school and her personal rebranding in midlife.

  • Personal Rebranding [00:00:57] Dr. Sarah Milken discusses the midlife crisis and the desire for personal rebranding, whether it's a business, hobby, or fitness routine.

  • Empty Nest Syndrome [00:05:33] Dr. Sarah Milken talks about the real feelings of empty nest syndrome and how 18 years of emotions build up, leaving parents feeling lost and unsure of what's next.

  • Year of Lasts [00:08:13] Dr. Milken talks about her son's last baseball game, prom, and day of high school, and how she's savoring every moment

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This podcast, along with associated websites and social media materials, are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The views expressed are that of Dr. Sarah Milken, and that of her guests, respectively. It is for informational purposes only. Please consult your healthcare professional for any further medical questions.

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