7 Quick Tips To Some Midlife Zest & Gratitude

Sarah Milken  0:04  

Hey peeps, welcome to the flexible neurotic podcast. I'm your host Dr. Sarah Milken. Yeah, you heard that right. I'm a real PhD doctor. Long, long ago like last fucking year. I was sitting in the midlife pump wondering, was this it for me? That day I realized I needed to get off my ass and start my midlife remix. I dusted off my PhD wipe the menopause, sweat off my forehead, grabbed my golden shit shovel and started digging deep to all my midlife bitches. It's not just luck, coffee and hormones that get you through your midlife remix. It's action steps. Let's do this. Hi, peeps. This is another episode of the fun midlife shared quickie minisode series. In this minisode series I'll be highlighting resonating an edgy midlife shit from Instagram posts, solos, short pop and gas and stuff we're all thinking about, but just maybe too embarrassed to ask and of course, more random stream of consciousness rants with loads of sarcasm relatable humor, mixed with expert info. And this is the flexible neurotic podcast and I'm Dr. Sarah Milken. In this minisode I sit down again with midlife blogger and spiritual fashionista Suzanne Smith. Last week we talked about creating action steps for juice your midlife marriage ups and downs and finding your spiritual truths and midlife. So if you haven't heard it yet, then what are you waiting for? Go check it out. I just had so much fun talking to Suzanne. And the golden nuggets were dripping that I came back for more, we recorded a 30 minute quickie that you're going to hear right now, we're going to do this rapid fire section of 10 quick ways we can start to feel happier, and less fucking stuck and midlife. Okay, so now we're going to dive into this little section that I've added, so that listeners can get have like a cheat sheet of things that we can do start doing today. But I set up this recording date with you, I asked you to send me Suzanne's 10 quick ways to feel happier and begin to feel less stuck. And like I said at the beginning of this episode, a lot of the work that we have to do takes months years personal work and our work. But there are little things that we can do today to feel less law. Like less, we're stuck in quicksand. So I have your list. I want to go through each one with you and have you kind of like talk us through it. I know it's a lot of the stuff that you talk about in your course. Let's see, the first one you wrote is you say to look back at pictures in your phone from a fun vacation or family time. And by doing this, you realize how blessed you really are.

Suzanne Smith  2:59  

Gosh, sometimes when I look back at my pictures in my phone, or even my Instagram, it's like a little record or a history of the past however long in my life, and I look back and I think Dang, is that my why? Yeah. Last?

Sarah Milken  3:13  

I love it. Yeah, my husband sometimes will go Why are you still looking at Instagram? I go. It's not Instagram. It's my camera roll. Yeah. And it's just like, you'd be looking at my son getting a haircut yesterday. And like my daughter, not letting me take a photo and carpool, you know, and they're just like funny things. But you do really realize your life is someone else's journey. Yeah, I think social media is an interesting thing, just because you see one little nook and cranny of someone's life and you're like, oh my god, she's perfect or that person's perfect. But at the end of the day, you know, behind closed doors, we've all got shit. We all have a story. We all have secret dark shadows and weird stuff going on. Yes,

Suzanne Smith  4:01  

everybody. And you really begin to find that out when you start to talk to people and open up and then they start to open up to you. It's very interesting that people that you think are the most perfect sometimes are the ones that will open up and say, oh my god,

Sarah Milken  4:15  

I read that you wrote this today. And I just have to tell you my story. And I'm like, oh, so honored. So just Yeah, to be trusted with that so so funny because I get so many messages on a daily basis. Like I already got three this morning of like people are like, Oh my God, that episode we're talking about you're bleeding for a month. I'm finished with menopause. And here I am 18 months after menopause and I just got a period

Suzanne Smith  4:41  

and listen to that went to toilet paper really?

Sarah Milken  4:47  

I know but I think that part of this midlife connection that we all have is that there's a certain sense of relatability like you're not alone.

Suzanne Smith  4:55  

No and that's the great thing about all of this about Social media really, if we're honest, if we don't try to make everything look perfect all the time, then we can all relate to each other and have a great sense of community and support one another. That's important. I agree.

Sarah Milken  5:12  

Okay, your next one you say, create a private Pinterest board pin anything that you're interested in without giving it too much thought. And then look back and see what the patterns are. This is great. If you're trying to figure out what you love to do. Sometimes we get so busy, we don't even know. Right, I

Suzanne Smith  5:29  

think it's a great way to do it to just scroll through Pinterest. And if you just don't overthink it, if you just Oh, I like that. I'll I'll put that on my private board. And then you look back and you do start to see this pattern of things. I mean, maybe you love to decorate with red, or maybe you really are so into making a sharp coutries board and never realized how passionate you were about Sharkoon. Or it can be anything. But it does kind of give you a clue or even like a personal style. I think that's a great way to find a personal style, and outfits that you love. And all of a sudden you're like, Well, I really liked menswear, or I'm really romantics, I think it can shed a lot of light on things.

Sarah Milken  6:10  

I'm not a big Pinterest person buy it. Maybe if somebody actually showed me how to use it, I'd be more into it, but

Suzanne Smith  6:17  

not a rabbit hole. And the more the more you can, the more Pinterest shows you what you like, ah, then it really is. Yeah, I

Sarah Milken  6:27  

don't know if I can handle that. But like my husband says, and my kids are like, you keep filling up all the storage on your phone. And it's because I'm basically creating a Pinterest board. I'm screenshotting every fucking thing. Yeah. And you would think I was like a chef, because I are like, like food porn, like, I'm screenshotting like your recipes. And then Jennifer Fisher's stuff. I don't even fucking cook. You know what I'm saying? It's like, so when I look back on and I'd be like people would be like, Wait, she's really into cooking? No, I'm really into appreciating how other people know how to cook. And I have no idea what I'm doing. And I need to figure out an easy way of doing it. But I do agree with you. I think looking back in a retrospective way like you see so many patterns. Oh, my God, I must really like puffer jackets.

Suzanne Smith  7:17  

I mean, really, when you think about it, the algorithm of Pinterest is doing that very same thing for you. When should you start pinning? They just send you more of the same? And then you're like, This is great.

Sarah Milken  7:30  

How do you like log your time on social media platforms? Like how do you not get stuck in the rabbit hole all day of Pinterest and Instagram, it's so hard.

Suzanne Smith  7:41  

I really just look on Pinterest like when I've finished meditating. And if I'm going to journal that day, I'll journal a little bit and then I'll get on like there's several accounts, Instagram accounts that I check on every day just because I love them. So I'll look at those first and then I'll put something on Instagram and then put it on Pinterest and then I'll just nose round and save a few things. I really don't I try not to do that for 15 minutes. Because it's an endless, it is endless. But then I've gotten enough things saved, like recipe save so I can have an idea for dinner every night for the next six years. And outfit ideas, but I just look at it and save it. And then I go back to it when I'm needing a recipe for dinner or a cute outfit idea or

Sarah Milken  8:30  

something like how do you deal with the social media like reciprocity thing, it's like, we all want to support one another. But there aren't enough hours in the day to go through every social media post and like and comment, but then at the same time, when your friends don't like and comment, like does that make you feel bad? Like how do you manage all

Suzanne Smith  8:51  

of that? Honestly, I've had kind of had a revelation in the past, I'm gonna say three months, I really did care about the likes for a long time. And now I will honestly tell you sure, if I post something that I get, you know, 1200 likes on that's gonna make me feel good. But if I don't, it's not going to ruin my day. And I just am trying really, really hard to post from my heart every day, something that resonates with me. And hopefully, the people that are meant to see it and read it will. And I think numbers don't matter nearly as much anymore. And it's the quality and you find your tribe. And so like I said, I do have certain people that I check on every day. And you know, I would like to go back and like everybody's posts that liked mine and things like that too. And in some days I don't It's hard because you have a tough spot. Yeah. And you want people to feel good and seen and that their work is recognized but none of time in the day.

Sarah Milken  9:59  

And how do you You're one because I've talked about this before to where I have a ton of Instagram friends and everybody's on and commenting and getting really into the conversation. But then I feel like sometimes, like people I know very well or certain friends like I'm like, Why can't you jump into the conversation to like, how do you sort of manage your expectations for friends and your platform? As far as Instagram? Yeah,

Suzanne Smith  10:28  

I really think I don't have that many expectations anymore. I love it when I get a heartfelt comment or somebody DMS me. I love to kind of see what's going on with people in their stories. That's what I'm drawn to most these days, because that's when people really do tell about their lives. But I just have so much going on in my life. My daughter's home, my grandsons living with us. My daughter's getting married. Right, of course, do a blog. I just don't have time.

Sarah Milken  10:57  

Yeah, I know, Instagrams that like, an interesting place. Because it's sort of like brings up some of your insecurities. But then at the same time, you feel like what you're saying is really important. If it's heartfelt, it's kind of an interesting bag of emotions all put together. It really is. And I'm not going to tell you I don't look at some people

Suzanne Smith  11:18  

and and think cuz she did that quick. Why me so long. I really think that sometimes, that's just human nature. I mean, it's hard to ever stop that. You just have to recognize that it's all happening in just the right time that it's supposed to. Yeah, that's when you go have a look. Come into Jesus with yourself.

Sarah Milken  11:39  

Yeah, exactly. All come to the south and have my coffee to Jesus. Now, the next thing you say is list 10 things you're grateful for. I'm not talking about I'm grateful for my dog. If your dog is on the list, really elaborate. I'm thankful for my sweet pup that cuddles me in the morning greets me every day. And another could be I'm grateful for the warm sunshine and lets me know Spring is coming. Make this a true gratitude exercise. Tell us about that. And how often do you actually do that?

Suzanne Smith  12:07  

I really try to do it almost every day. Wow. Well, I realized because you know, keep a gratitude journal that everybody talks about it. You know, you can find yourself okay, well, I'm grateful for my home. I'm grateful for good food. I'm grateful for my family and grateful. And it's every day, it's the same thing. But why are you grateful? You're grateful to your husband for making the coffee the night before. So when you come downstairs, all you have to do is push the button, you know, like the puppy, it's just when you really start to think about, okay, I'm grateful for this. But why am I grateful for this. And then that just makes all the difference in the world.

Sarah Milken  12:45  

It's so funny when I read that it reminded me. So the other night, I went out to dinner with my husband and my daughter. And I was fumbling through my purse. And there was like a side pocket that I never open on the outside of the bag. And I stuck my hand in it because I was looking for chapstick. And I pulled out the stack of little strips of paper. And I look at it and I was like, Oh my God. And during COVID At the beginning, the beginning of COVID I would have there's just four of us sitting at the dinner table. And I would make everyone write three things on three strips of paper that they were grateful for.

Suzanne Smith  13:22  

I love that and they were in my purse.

Sarah Milken  13:27  

And I was like that's so weird. And then of course my daughter and my husband started making fun of me and like we were laughing at them. And it was like, at that time my husband was very focused on getting a hose that was like kind of like fabric that you could kind of like roll up fast rather than that like big rubber hose. It's like lob see, and floppy. And I was like oh my god, this is so funny. That hose took up like two weeks of conversation. It made me think like just looking back on these little dumb things that we're grateful for at that time. Kind of like got us through laughing through dinner during

Suzanne Smith 14:02  

the pandemic. Yeah, and then and also didn't it make you feel just grateful for your family and that time and any other? You know, I'll tell you when you grab a purse that you haven't carried in a long time there's always something

Sarah Milken  14:19  

I was like oh my god, I mean I got so much shit for that while we were doing the grateful journey out jar and at that dinner because it like brought back so many funny memories but it was just cracking me up. The next thing you talk about is you say put your attention on even the smallest good things in your life that attention will cause you to attract more of good into your life say to yourself, everything is happening for my good and in my favor. Remember you get more of what you focus on worry is a prayer for what you do what you do want and everything else happens for a reason.

Suzanne Smith  14:54  

Well worry is a prayer for what you do not want to think I maybe did a typo there but or maybe I did. Oh, I don't know. But either way, it's um, yeah, I think if you can find those small things just to be grateful for, like, if you're having a really crappy day, you can just find one little thing. And if you put your attention there, it does so slowly start to get better. You know, you can just look at it like it's kind of like the half glass glass half. Yeah. I don't know, I just, I do I start a binge on Abraham Hicks? Do you know, Abraham? Yeah. So

Sarah Milken  15:30  


Suzanne Smith  15:31  

when I first started all of this stuff, I found abraham hicks on YouTube. And really, I will tell you that I listened to it, probably nine hours a day, no way he would in the car, I would walk around with headphones. And it really kept me going. And I think hearing that nonstop all of the time. It really, it had such a huge impact on me. Oh, I needed it.

Sarah Milken  15:56  

I noticed you listen to it in a certain order. Because I feel like when you go on YouTube, it's kind of all these random things.

Suzanne Smith  16:03  

So knows, I would just let it play because you can put it on. And every now and then there'll be a topic I'd be interested in. So I'd searched for that. But no, and I still I listened to one this morning. I listened. But I listened to it. Because it was like all new to me. I have heard this stuff for

Sarah Milken  16:21  

the listeners who are listening and care. Tell us what resonates with you.

Suzanne Smith  16:26  

Well, basically, that you co create with the universe that you create your own life and with your thoughts and that I mean, it's like that, that saying that we've all heard thoughts become things well, it is true. What are you thinking about? Watch what you're thinking about. And if you're thinking that they talk about money a lot. So they might say you might think you're wishing for money. But if you're only looking at the lack of money in your checking account, you're really asking for less money, because you're thinking about less money, you're not thinking about more money. And it was so confusing in the beginning. And still sometimes it is because it's that law of attraction thing. Sometimes you don't even realize and realize your thinking and lack, you just it's a habit. So it's still so fascinating to me, I just, I can't get enough.

Sarah Milken  17:13  

I'm like there aren't enough hours in the day for all this information. Now you say the next thing you say is you say add more goddess, this is very like Gabrielle Espinosa, or coco Verlin, or some of my other guests. Instead of beating yourself up for things you're not doing. Remember your inner goddess and act accordingly. Add some self care, drink a glass of water, eat a salad for lunch, light a candle and do 10 minutes of yoga or meditation, make a cup of tea and really taste it, buy some fresh flowers for your home, decide when you get up to be very intentional with your time. Well, it's like

Suzanne Smith  17:49  

instead of, okay, I need to lose five pounds. So I'm going to deprive myself of food. Instead of doing that, say, I would like to lose five pounds, or I desire to lose five pounds. And so I'm going to make myself the most beautiful salad ever. And that's going to be my lunch. Or instead of having a snack and get a journal for five minutes and have a cup of tea. And so you're adding these beautiful things into your life instead of you know, punishing yourself for all the things you did wrong, or all the things that you perceive as being things that needed to be fixed about yourself.

Sarah Milken  18:29  

I like Shaq because it's like flipping a script. It's not like okay, I'm only going to have a 200 Calorie lunch. It's, I'm going to make a really beautiful salad that's satisfying to me.

Suzanne Smith  18:39  

Yes. And then you feel like you've instead of depriving yourself, you've done something nice for yourself.

Sarah Milken  18:45  

I love that attitude that God is the one then you say put yourself in a different environment. There are days when you just need to get away from your office, your home your family, go to a coffee shop or restaurant or see a movie alone. Enjoy your own company.

Suzanne Smith  19:02  

Yes, I do think sometimes you just need to get out of the environment, and you're going to immediately feel better. And I really do

Sarah Milken  19:10  

use that especially now like after this whole pandemic time period. It's like you're so sick of looking at the same clothes inside the same walls. And sometimes just like going to a different supermarket where you don't have all the aisles memorized. You know what I mean? It's like it's just like a change of scenery. And that's all we need.

Suzanne Smith 19:32  

Right are new lipstick. I mean, don't you think that when you get a new lipstick, it just makes you feel good?

Sarah Milken  19:38  

Yeah. And you're like, oh, spring is here. I have the newest shade of pink or you know, like even working out sometimes I'm like, Oh, God, I can't look at this treadmill for one more minute. So it means like going outside or just changing it up for a second.

Suzanne Smith  19:53  

Yeah, I think change just is so important. It's it's goes back to that just step out of your box. Go do something you don't normally do, and don't have to be big or expensive. But really I do a lot of times think I gotta get out of here. So I just go down the street to the coffee shop and get a coffee, take my time coming home. And when I get back, I feel better.

Sarah Milken  20:15  

I know. And it's interesting because, like, I'm supposed to go to a birthday party tonight. And I'm like, Oh, the thought of like makeup and trying to find an outfit and blah, blah, blah. But once I get there, I'm like, oh my god, this is so fucking fun. Especially after the pandemic. It's hard to rally. It's really hard to rally. It's so easy to sit on your ass at home, believe me, watch bridgerton or whatever. Exactly. It's so much easier. My daughter likes these certain kinds of musical. I don't know, groups that her friends necessarily don't love. But my husband's a musical person. So he takes her to concerts all the time. He's apparently cool enough to take her to concerts. I'm not so whatever that means. So he last night, he was like, oh my god, I can't believe I have to go to a concert tonight. I'm so fucking tired. I just want to like sit home and watch TV and like eat pizza. And I'm like, you can't bail. Like, you know, you have to go. He's like, I know. And then he texted me at like, 10 o'clock. And he goes, That was amazing.

Suzanne Smith 21:17  

I was always the way Yeah.

Sarah Milken  21:19  

And we just have to remind ourselves to get out of our own way and just do the thing.

Suzanne Smith  21:24  

And you're always glad you did. Yeah, ever go to the gym and and think I really wish I worked out.

Sarah Milken  21:32  

Yeah, totally. But having said that, like my husband has like really sore hip flexors, because he does this like crazy uphill thing on the treadmill. He's not really a day off kind of person. And today, he was like, I cannot work out. Like I have to rest my hip flexors. And he was leaving for work. And he's like, Oh, I just feel so much better that they're not like throbbing and aching right now. So sometimes that was the chain. I know. I know. For me, I'm like, Oh, God, I have to work out. But he for him. It was saying like, my body needs a break.

Suzanne Smith  22:06  

Yeah, I can relate to that. Some days. I feel that way. Like I just have to rest because you need to let your body have a break and not work. It's

Sarah Milken  22:16  

so hard every day. I know. It's like my Instagram post today. It was like about creaky joints. I mean, I had that. Oh my god, I had such frozen shoulder drama. And our bodies are like making noises and mystery pains and all this weird stuff. And we're like, we have

Suzanne Smith  22:34  

to listen. I know my feet cramp up sometimes, like

Sarah Milken  22:38  

remind to I'm like, do I need more magnesium or potassium or something?

Suzanne Smith  22:44  

I don't know. Sitting with my knees folded up under me. Oh, forget it. Sometimes I can't unfold.

Sarah Milken  22:56  

Somebody get me out of here. Okay, the last one that I love is you say Don't wallow in the why? Instead of asking why find the lesson. And as I would say, the golden nugget and ask what

Suzanne Smith  23:07  

now? Well, it doesn't matter why? It really makes no difference. Why? Like I could go back and spent 16 years trying to figure out why everything happened to me in my life. But it doesn't matter. What did I learn from it? And how can I take that and move forward? It's so good.

Sarah Milken  23:28  

We all have to do one small thing to get us closer to something we want. Progress always makes us feel happier, as you say. And as you also say, and I say it we have to remember that midlife is a journey.

Suzanne Smith  23:42  

It is and you just have to look at it that way. And it's it's a never ending journey, this life that we're living in and learn to try to do.

Sarah Milken  23:52  

Yeah, and the funny thing about midlife is like there's so many like, gross days like Oh, I feel sweaty and gross and like well, thermogenic and moody, and I want to get my pitchfork out. And there are other days where I'm like I'm on top of the world. I'm gonna do four podcast recordings today. I'm on fire. And all of it's okay.

Suzanne Smith  24:13  

I agree. I do sometimes you just have to give yourself some grace.

Sarah Milken  24:18  

I just love it. Suzanne I've loved chatting with you so much. I love digging deep with people who just fucking get it who are honest, they share their tips so other women can try them out in real life. Tell us where we can find you.

Suzanne Smith  24:35  

Crazy blonde Life Blog. I would love for you to subscribe to my blog and get my daily indulgence is what I call it and I like that Instagram crazy blonde life blog and then crazy blonde life on Pinterest and Facebook. Oh

Sarah Milken  24:51  

my god, you might make me like a Pinterest junkie. I don't need any more platforms Suzanne. It's good. I want to thank you for our chat today listeners and I now have some really juicy dripping golden nuggets to start getting unstuck. Thank you so much Suzanne smokin

Suzanne Smith  25:11  

are add one thing. Yeah, I really do need to add this if you're interested in my program. I don't know when this podcast will air.

Sarah Milken  25:19  

I know, are you doing another one after April,

Suzanne Smith  25:23  

I will do it again, it's always going to be reworked a little bit. And I'm thinking of doing some shorter ones for people who don't really know if they want to commit to 30 days. But it starts tomorrow, April 1, and I'm going to let people join through the first five days after that, I think it might be a little hard to catch up.

Sarah Milken  25:40  

Okay, so if this misses that Mark, you're going to still have elements of it going forward.

Suzanne Smith  25:45  

You know, I've written all this stuff, and I certainly need to repurpose it in in some way. So yes, I will do it again. Probably I'll do do it quarterly.

Sarah Milken  25:54  

I love that. And I also think it would be amazing to do like a one week reset. I like that, you know, like you know, prolong the fasting thing. They just came out with like a one day reset I saw on Instagram one day. Yeah. And I thought it was kind of interesting, because some people were like, well, that's kind of weird, but I thought it was kind of interesting. Because if you're not like mentally prepared to do this, like kind of week long thing, and you just do the one day thing. It kind of just gives your system like a quick reset a sense of what's ahead. So I don't know, just food for thought.

Suzanne Smith  26:29  

You know, anybody can do something for one day. Yeah, right. I even got a colonoscopy. I've had one I need another but we'll talk about that another day. Oh,

Sarah Milken  26:40  

you're gonna have to listen to my diarrheal episode, then for sure. I know. But honestly, Suzanne, you did. It's not that

Suzanne Smith  26:47  

bad. Yeah, Mom was horrible. Because I tried to drink all the stuff most probably 10 years ago, I tried to drink all the stuff at once. And I got very nauseous.

Sarah Milken  27:01  

Okay, I get that. But you're gonna listen to my episode, and you're gonna get the pills?

Suzanne Smith  27:06  

Well, I think it's totally different now.

Sarah Milken  27:08  

I think it's not different. Actually. There's liquid and pills. Oh, she's so cute. My followers and listeners DM me. And they were like, Oh my God, thank you so much for telling me that there are pills. So I did the pill version. Oh, you

Suzanne Smith  27:24  

don't have to do the liquids? Oh, no. Yeah, the pills are so much more doable. I know. That's

Sarah Milken  27:31  

what I'm saying. So, so many people are signing up to get their colonoscopy is now because they don't have to drink that disgusting liquid. But not every doctor offers it. But you have to ask for it. Yeah, well, I

Suzanne Smith  27:42  

definitely would. But you talked about it. And now people know. I didn't. Really? Yeah,

Sarah Milken  27:47  

I know. But in your like, all of these little things. My husband's like you're talking about your colonoscopy on Instagram. I'm like, I sure I am. And here's a picture of my toilet bowl and my butt pace and the whole nine yards. But it goes back to the relatability thing. Like if she can get a colonoscopy I can too. And it's life saving. Yeah, very, very true. for colon cancer, so it's time oh my gosh, I'm gonna check on you. You're getting a colonoscopy

Suzanne Smith  28:16  

or Dude, that's, that's something I really have had on my list for several years now.

Sarah Milken  28:21  

See, you're gonna listen to the diarrhea ball and you're gonna get the pills and my husband asked to do a two and a couple of months so listening to Abraham Hicks tomorrow but I haven't announced this yet on Instagram but it will be out by the time this comes out I think but my husband got he got so as he calls it crucified in that episode because he just didn't even care. I hit like he was like he went to work never really asked you what was happening. He had to go to work through it when you were up. Yeah, he's like, are you gonna keep me up with your diarrhea? And I was like, fuck you. You know. Like, why? So the funniest part about the whole thing is he's like, I got so crucified. Here's your new fucking toilet. I have a new toilet. You ever. I know. I was like, This doesn't count as my birthday gift or my anniversary gift. This is my colonoscopy gift.

Suzanne Smith  29:21  

Okay. Yes. And I think you may deserve a little something to go along with it. Like was saying, I don't know. Maybe a gold toilet paper holder?

Sarah Milken  29:33  

Oh, yeah, totally. Or gold plunger. I just can't wait till he has his colonoscopy. He's like, you're gonna put it all over Instagram, aren't you? I'm like, Yeah, after the way you behave during my colonoscopy. I

Suzanne Smith  29:43  

assure I am. Yeah, that's not you want some sympathy when you're going through that?

Sarah Milken  29:47  

I know. I don't know. He wasn't into it. And then you know, when he's having a colonoscopy, it's gonna be like the whole world came down,

Suzanne Smith  29:53  

because he's a man. Yes, my husband has not. Did he have one? You can tell I took really good care of him.

Sarah Milken  30:07  

It's really funny. Not funny, but I actually just posted a picture. She and her husband did it together. They did it like an hour apart. And I was like, how did you do that? Like, who got the better toilet? Did you share the toilet? Like, how'd that go down?

Suzanne Smith  30:22  

I have a couple's colonoscopy. Oh, you should really

Sarah Milken  30:27  

do that this summer. Suzanne, that'd be cool.

Suzanne Smith  30:31  

To think about that, or you know what

Sarah Milken  30:33  

you should do? Just sign up for the pills and have your husband go first. Or he could do the liquid I could do. That's what I said to my husband. I'm like, You're so fucking lucky that I did this first.

Suzanne Smith  30:45  

Or you be drinking that liquid? I don't even know why they don't just do the pills period. Why the why did they still even have the liquid?

Sarah Milken  30:51  

I don't know. It's just I asked the doctor that and she's like, it's just, there's two options. And that's just the way it is. And hey, so bad. It's just the I know. And the worst part is, is that a lot of people vomit from it. But then they can't go through with the colonoscopy. I just

Suzanne Smith  31:09  

had it coming out everywhere. I didn't know whether to stand up or sit down. I mean, bad night.

Sarah Milken  31:18  

I know. But just know that it's doable.

Suzanne Smith  31:22  

Well, and then I called my doctor, and he was grumpy with me. And I said, Let me tell you something. I remember. I was like, no, no, no, no, you are going to talk to me because I'm so sick, and you're going to be nice. And he did.

Sarah Milken  31:36  

But what could he do that would make you feel better?

Suzanne Smith  31:39  

No, he could have just said Oh, poor thing. I'm so sorry. I

Sarah Milken  31:43  

was waiting for my husband to do that. That's all happening. And I'm like, and by the way, when you have a colonoscopy, I'm not making you the urine colored yellow jello. I'm not doing anything for you. Yeah, I

Suzanne Smith  31:56  

didn't eat any jello after I drank all that stuff. That was enough for me, but I did get to have it. And it was fine.

Sarah Milken  32:02  

Yeah, now you got to get back to it. Your pills

Suzanne Smith  32:05  

now? My daughter told me that I had a colon that was shaped like the Virginia Turnpike. Oh, that's interesting. Yeah, really said lots of twists and turns in there. Oh.

Sarah Milken  32:18  

Well, is that when you listen to that episode, you'll hear so the guy who came out before me because mine was at 10 was snoring like a hound. I said to the nurse, I'm like, if I snore like that, please wake me up.

Suzanne Smith  32:31  

Never roll me over. So

Sarah Milken  32:35  

I'm like, I cannot sound like that. Oh my god. Suzanne, I love talking to you. I'm gonna go deal with my gardeners and tell them they can continue on with their tree cutting that they haven't.

Suzanne Smith  32:46  

I'm just so honored that you Oh, I'm

Sarah Milken  32:51  

so happy to actually finally connect with you. I love watching you on Instagram. And I love having people on my podcast that I know are gonna resonate with my audience. And I know you will. And you have such good tips and experiences and things you've been through in your life that we can all relate to. And I just want to thank

Suzanne Smith  33:09  

you. Thank you so much. And just have fun with your family tonight and your gardener and oh my god. Oh, guess what?

Sarah Milken  33:17  

I'm going on a two week. college trip on Sunday. You'll have to follow that on Instagram. And I'm like, interesting. Oh my God.

Suzanne Smith  33:28  

Are you criss crossing the country? Oh, yeah.

Sarah Milken  33:31  

It's like starting in Philadelphia. I think it goes like Philadelphia, Michigan. Nashville. was sin. Sin. Yes. Vanderbilt.

Suzanne Smith  33:43  

Have you been to Nashville? Yes. One of my favorites.

Sarah Milken  33:47  

I went on a girls trip to Nashville. It was amazing. And then we're ending in Texas.

Suzanne Smith  33:52  

So that'll be so much fun though. It will be done anything. Oh,

Sarah Milken  33:57  

yeah. But there's a couple of hard parts. First of all, my kid sharing a room. It's brutal. I mean, my son 17 and a half my daughter's 15 It's like he doesn't really want to leave his girlfriend for that long. And my daughter's like, how am I going to share a room with Jake It's going to be like torture. So Jeremy's like, I predict that you fly home after a week Sarah

Suzanne Smith  34:23  

will see self preservation you might have to

Sarah Milken  34:27  

Oh, believe me. I'm all about it. You have to trade you have to flip flop. Some parent has to take it in the short to shorts once in a while. It's not possible to do it all yourself. No, no or even necessary. No, it's like Jeremy does certain ski trips. I had to do a ski trip in December because he was moving the house and I listened to that one too. Oh my god. Oh, honestly.

Suzanne Smith  34:51  

I was driving somewhere and I was binging on your podcast.

Sarah Milken  34:54  

I know this lady that this lady this morning DM me she goes I almost cry. Why should my car shoot? I think we go to the same gynecologist I get lost in that parking lot too. Every time I go to a parking lot I fucking dementia. How do I get out of here? And I'm like, it doesn't even matter if you take a picture of your car. It's like you have to go to the third level to get to the lobby floor, but then the machine doesn't match and so it's like you have dementia going to the gynecologist

Suzanne Smith  35:25  

like the airport. Totally. Tonight. Little bitty one parking lot right near the door.

Sarah Milken  35:33  

I mean, you can I could go to the gynecologist once a week if it was like that for me. No, no, no. Get in the half spheres are so fun. I need to get a mammogram soon though. That's good. That's coming up.

Suzanne Smith  35:48  

That's on my list to knock on either.

Sarah Milken  35:51  

Yeah, I need to do that. I had my teeth clean. They got that done. Got my frozen shoulder done. Did the Pap smear did the colonoscopy. So you're up for the colonoscopy and the mammogram. Yes. And yeah, the list just gets longer every year. No, but I feel like it just it never

Suzanne Smith  36:10  

ends. That's true. Well, I was in the hospital. Maybe three years ago, my appendix burst. Oh, it was a big to do because it burst as they're taking it out. So I got to infection. And so I figured that had every test known to man except for a mammogram and a colonoscopy. So I'm good. Except Wow.

Sarah Milken  36:33  

Yeah, it'd be tough to get your teeth cleaned.

Suzanne Smith  36:35  

Oh, I did and I just got a crown. Ah, no. And then I need another one. Okay, we're gonna do the they were gonna do them both on the same day and they were like, You have too much anxiety over this. We need to give you a Valium and use the last thing gas on the next one. So Oh, yeah. And

Sarah Milken  36:50  

you should do the valium laughing gas and listen to Abraham Hicks on

Suzanne Smith  36:56  

or the colonoscopy episode.

Sarah Milken  37:00  

Just play it out loud. Play it aloud. Oh my god would

Suzanne Smith  37:04  

be very entertaining.

Sarah Milken  37:07  

All right. I love chatting with you all let you get on with your day. All right, you too. Thanks. Bye to gold is dripping off these juicy rapid fire nuggets. Grab it, use it. There are three things you can do first, fucking subscribe to the podcast already. Second, share it with some friends who might like midlife shit. And third, write an apple review. writing reviews is kind of annoying. It's an extra step. But guess what? It really helps the podcast grow. You think your little review won't matter? But it does. If you went to a concert or show and everyone said my clap doesn't matter. Then there will be no clapping. You all matter. Every individual matters and helps grow the podcast. DM me, you know, I'm always the one to respond. There's no one else in my Instagram. So if you're getting a response, it's from me. Oh, and of course, follow my instagram at the flexible neurotic on Instagram da if you enjoyed our conversation today and you haven't listened to last week's full length episode, with Suzanne Smith, creating your midlife inner work to do lists. Then go back and take a listen. We dive deep into creating action steps to spark change in midlife. What are you waiting for? Talk soon.