Sarah Milken  0:04  

Hey peeps, welcome to the flexible neurotic podcast. I'm your host Dr. Sarah Milken. Yeah, you heard that right. I'm a real PhD doctor. Long, long ago like last fucking year. I was sitting in the midlife pump wondering, was this it for me? That day I realized I needed to get off my ass and start my midlife remix. I dusted off my PhD, wipe the menopause, sweat off my forehead, grabbed my golden shit shovel and started digging deep to all my midlife pitches. It's not just luck, coffee and hormones that get you through your midlife remix. It's action steps. Let's do this. Hi, good peeps. This is the next episode of The flexible neurotic Podcast. I'm Dr. Sarah Milken, the flexible neurotic. Today I have a guest who is rebranding the word pussy. Yeah, I think I just said that word pussy, and using it to teach women how to connect with their inner selves through their pelvic floor and pelvic floor integration. She is a certified pelvic floor expert and the author of the best selling book pussy yoga, pelvic floor training for radiance, confidence and a fulfilling love life. Originally published in German, it has been translated into English and polish. She is the founder of the pelvic floor integration method, the sensuous dance workout and the essence of belly dance programs. Her work enables women to reconnect to their bodies and step into their power with confidence and ease, not just about feeling sexy her approach prioritizes Women's Health for over 15 years her in studio classes, online programs and teacher training have moved over 7 million women worldwide. Her method is taught by instructors in 26 countries. Her name is Coco Berlin. Hi, Coco.

Coco Berlin  2:00  

Hey, Sara. So nice to be on your show. Thank you very much for the invite.

Sarah Milken  2:05  

I know I'm so excited. You're here. You have such a beautiful, like sort of glow to your skin. We're gonna have to like figure out if this is from the pussy yoga or why? Because you look amazing. I'm so excited that you're here. You're living in Spain right now. Right?

Coco Berlin  2:24  

Exactly. We moved here because of the sun. It's just a wonderful life quality here.

Sarah Milken  2:29  

Yes, we're in LA right now. It's 9am. For me, how what time is it for you?

Coco Berlin  2:34  

It's 6pm

Sarah Milken  2:35  

Oh my god. There's nothing like talking about your vagina at 9am. Right?

Coco Berlin  2:41  

It's always a good time. You know, she never gets enough spotlight. So it's always a good time.

Sarah Milken  2:47  

Oh, God, I hope everyone's getting ready. I don't know how we met. I think our paths just crossed in the Instagram rabbit hole. I think I saw pussy yoga. And I was like, Oh, that's interesting. I'm not a porn star. And I'm not like a yoga master. But I gotta find out what this is. And here you are. So I'm happy to have you. In this episode, we're gonna find out why pussy yoga, what does pussy yoga even mean? And why is this word so triggering. And pussy yoga really is Coco's version of the pelvic floor integration method that strengthens our pelvic floors and connects to our inner selves. And you say that better sex is icing on the cake, but not the whole story, right?

Coco Berlin  3:35  

It's true. That's true, actually, my method is called pelvic floor integration. Because we integrate the pelvic floor into the rest of our body and into the center of our B, it's really at the center of our musculoskeletal system, but it's dormant. So we don't use it mostly, it's like really just sleeping around. So it's not not sleeping around. So it's just like, you know, it's very weak, or it's very tense. And many times it's really just weak and tense at the same time. And when I was a dancer, I was really looking to be like the best dancer I could ever be. And then I found the pelvic floor. So the pelvic floor is really the center. And when you get into your center, and you really feel your body from the inside, so you own your pelvic floor, and then connected to the rest of your body. You have just a better performance, you have more charisma, your technique is better. And I just felt so like reborn as a woman. And then I started of course, telling to this to every woman I knew, telling this to all my students and they had the same effects. And this glowing skin that you mentioned, it comes from this, because I'm very lazy. I don't do any beauty procedures. You know, I'm like a man. You know, I just wash my face, put some cream on it.

Sarah Milken  4:55  

I know but it shows it's definitely there. I'm so excited because we're We're gonna take out our golden shit shovels and dig through what what pussy yoga even is and why we need to connect to our pelvic floors. And during this episode, we're going to talk about all of these things. And hopefully, we're going to sort of de trigger some of this commotion around the word pussy. Because, I mean, honestly, I hope my husband and kids aren't listening to this because they're gonna be like, has my mom lost their mind, you know? So I have a little quote from you that says, pussy yoga stands in this recent feminist tradition. let's reclaim the word pussy and use it with self confidence. Let's decide for ourselves what the word pussy means to us. Tell us about that Coco.

Coco Berlin  5:44  

So the entomological meaning of Lucy. It comes actually from older European languages, and it means cat. And then later, it was used to describe women and girls and was like a very friendly word. And then it was also being used for vaginas. And in France, they also say, shop like cat to the pussy. And actually, the name cat to describe pussies actually really nice. Because you know, it's soft, it's cute. It knows how to command attention, you know, and then, but it's also a fighter, it's very strong. And it's basically why should we just use this word only because some people have started to use it in a derogatory way.

Sarah Milken  6:26  

Okay, so what parts of the vagina are you including in the word in the term pussy, because I feel like a lot of women, including myself are confused on what all the parts are.

Coco Berlin  6:38  

So like the normal use of the word pussy means like, all of it, like the vagina and the vulva on the outside and inside. And this is also how I use it in the book. But what we work with is, of course, everything else also around vagina. So because the pelvic floor is not just a few muscles around the vagina, and we're not squeezing, or we don't do any keggers, we do some cadence, but but we don't use it in the actual technique. So it's a wider term for all this stuff you have in your pelvis. So the fascia, the ligaments, the tendons and all the muscles.

Sarah Milken  7:14  

Wow, I can't wait to get into this in a few minutes. But first, I want to go back to the sort of modern feminists. What's going on with reclaiming the word? I mean, obviously, there's books out you know, Regina, his book, The New York Times best selling book, pussy. There's bands that you mentioned, the Pussy Riot and perfect pussy. And you're trying to sort of rebrand the word and make it more socially acceptable.

Coco Berlin  7:40  

Yes, because it's a cute word. And I think a few years back, the word queer still meant something derogatory. And now they use it proudly. I'm queer. You Korea, you know, it's a cool word. Yeah, maybe this can happen with KUSI, too. I'm hoping that

Sarah Milken  7:58  

it is. I mean, because when you think about a cat, and like you said, it's like Sweden has like, also like a little bit of a fear side. And this playful, it's sort of like this mix of a lot of things. I totally get where you're going with that. Now, why did your publishers want you to use this title that was going to sort of be a little bit controversial, because I know at the beginning, you were not going to call your book pussy yoga. So how'd you get there?

Coco Berlin  8:24  

Yes. So the publisher had this idea. Actually, they were right, because it was the best seller like this was like a number three of all books sold in Germany on Amazon, right behind Trump's biography when he was a small, scandalous, nice combination, and then the Coronavirus and the number three was Percy yoga. So I think that it's triggers people, they want to know what it is. Because otherwise, women don't think about the pelvic floor. They just know about it when they get pregnant or when they get to like incontinence or have some other problems. Otherwise, what is the pelvic floor many women really don't know what it is. And I want to reach young women, young women who also start their sexual journey start to be interested in their bodies, and just want to learn the things that maybe they don't get in school in porn from their parents from their peers. And that's why

Sarah Milken  9:18  

so how does a belly dancer become a pelvic floor Integration Specialist slash pussy yoga author.

Coco Berlin 9:28  

So I told you I was the belly dance and I wanted to be the best I could be. And then I went to Egypt and I saw what the best belly dancers because in Egypt, the best belly dancer so I went there. That's good to know. Yeah, but you know, now everything has changed a little bit due to the political situation. So belly dancing is quite repressed. But when I was there in the early 2000s, it was still like they were in the five star hotels in the big stages with the biggest orchestras of like, 30 men, and it was really amazing. The people who were in the audience everybody had goes booms. And then you saw this wonderful woman, just dancing to these love songs, and all the emotions, you know, it's like a cathartic experience. And they had such a power that no other bellydancer ever had anywhere in the world. And I wanted to know, what is it? What is it? And then I asked them, What is it because I went to all, you know, like, anybody who would teach me I went there, and I studied with them.

Sarah Milken  10:28  

So they had a special magic that other belly dancers didn't have, yes,

Coco Berlin  10:33  

they have this charisma, they had this power. And then they had very intricate, interesting movements with their pelvis, that other belly dancers just numb to, they're very small, but really powerful, you know. So like, you're sitting there and your watch, like, they like, like, when I needed Rob, and he just like, you know, like, it gets really excited. So every little move is such a powerful move. And I wanted to learn this, but they of course, they didn't know what they're doing, because they just grew up like this. And then I went also back to Germany, where I studied, like, all of the dance stuff, and to all of the different dance techniques and the bodywork techniques that I learned, I somehow got the feeling that must be the pelvic floor. And then I was going here and there and back and forth, experimenting with myself, and then later experimenting with my ladies. And then over the time, every it's really changed everything. It changed how I dance, how I felt, I felt so say, you know, like, I felt first time in my life, I felt just totally safe, and like really well in my body. And I thought that's really like, like a weird secret. Like, why did nobody ever find this out? And I still don't know why never, nobody ever found this out that the perfectly was like really, the center. And when we don't connect to it, we just feel lost. And all the things that you see, like the people are asking, like, what's the meaning of life? And what's my purpose, and everybody's like a headless chicken running around. And then everybody's addicted to social media and a lot of different substances and all those things, you can just leave them behind when you connect to your body, because then you know that the wisdom is inside of you. And it just feels so much more powerful and so much more wise, and you're not looking for answers outside.

Sarah Milken  12:27  

So if someone were to come to a pussy yoga, pelvic floor Integration Course, or read your book, like when I think of yoga, I think of poses. But in this application, like what is someone going to experience in your class,

Coco Berlin  12:45  

what I love most about yoga is the body mind connection. Yoga means actually the connection of the consciousness with the body. And that's like the biggest, most interesting thing for me about yoga, how can we connect with what who we really are with a higher consciousness through our body. And that's exactly what we do. But we do it through movement. And it's more like an experimental movement. So we like really feeling into our body and moving it and through the movement, we find new ways of connecting to our pelvic floor. So we don't hold poses for a long time, we rather move through everything explained to

Sarah Milken  13:26  

me how you're not actually sort of contracting the muscles, as you say, if somebody is doing it, and they're like, I don't feel anything, what's happening, it's really just sort of sending energy in a mind body connection, rather than like you're actually feeling a muscle contract.

Coco Berlin  13:45  

That's the beginning. So the beginning is to let go of all the muscles that you already know. And then we start to connect to make the wiring. So this is really the beginning what you're describing. And then day by day, you will feel more and more,

Sarah Milken  14:00  

right. So how long does it take typically, for someone to go, Oh my God, I feel that

Coco Berlin  14:07  

so the pelvic floor can't do much. If it's not trained, it can't isometrically do this. But if you're training it more than it can isometrically really also start moving your pelvis. So we have not only exercises inserting this was just like an example because we're sitting around here, but many times we just really move and the pelvis is movable. So all the bones in your pelvis you have two pelvic bones left and right. And then in between you have your spine and all of this is movable. And when we for example if we would get out

Sarah Milken  14:44  

she's standing she's standing now

Coco Berlin  14:47  

standing now so if you get up and then you sit down, this is our automatically moving your pelvis. So if you get up, you sit bone comes together and if you go down you sit bones away and then is a very natural born rhythm. And because we're not on a video, I can't show it to you guys. But right you can experiment this for yourself. So how the pelvis actually can move in the daily life. And then the pelvic floor is connected to the entire pelvis, not only the third layer that is so important when I was talking about, but also true fascia that comes all down into your legs. And then it's also connected to your entire cavity where all your organs are sitting. So you know, like the thing that Pilates people call the powerhouse. It's all kinds of the pelvic floor is like the base of it. And then you have your belly muscles and on top of the dome of your diaphragm, so all of this working together.

Sarah Milken  15:47  

Now I saw your five minute workout on your, on your website, I loved it, and it was beautifully done. And so you're sort of sitting there with your legs crossed and your upper torso is going in circles. It's sort of like this sensual, hula hooping, but you're not really hula hooping. Right. Now, what is that doing to your body? Is that putting you in this sort of like free sensual mode? What is that doing?

Coco Berlin  16:18  

So this particular workout is designed to loosen up your hips, and also your spine. So removing the spine and all the different ways that nobody never moves it in their daily life and yoga in the gym. Nobody ever moves like this. Only belly dancers, and whatever, maybe some exotic dancers. And also, you know, I guide you to feel your body. So to build this connection to feel your sensuous body moving through the space. And I don't know, what do you face? When did you do it? Other teachers watch it?

Sarah Milken  16:51  

No, no, I did it. That's what I'm saying. I can't put my finger on what it was. That's what was interesting about it. It was sort of just like this interesting energy. Like, I'm not a dancer. And so I felt like, I don't know, it's like an energy moving through my body. Yeah,

Coco Berlin  17:09  

we're mobilizing all your body, we get your energy moving. But we also know like, when you feel your body, subconsciously, you're also down regulate your nervous

Sarah Milken  17:18  

system, which is what I need.

Coco Berlin  17:21  

Yeah, exactly. So when you're stressed, and you start doing this, you're really balanced your nervous system, you come into this relaxed state where you can digest more, you can connect more with people with nature, if you more creative, more connected to spirituality. It's not like it's like a vicious circle, but a virtuous circle.

Sarah Milken  17:41  

Yeah. So in your book, obviously, you can get more into the details of using your fingers and all of that stuff. Obviously, you can't do that in your classes. But what aspects of your own personal exploration with your hands? I mean, I remember in episode four, when I was talking to Dr. Sherry Ross, she was like, Sir, you don't even understand how many women don't even know what their vaginas look like. And sometimes when my patients come in, I just give them a mirror. And I'm like, Hey, guys, take a look. And everyone's like, Oh, my God, I've never really seen it before. So how does that work with pussy yoga and your pelvic floor integration.

Coco Berlin 18:24  

Of course, in the classes we don't touch. It's like an organ Pilates class. But you have to explore your pussy from the inside. Also, to know where are all my organs. Because you know it, many doctors don't tell a woman that they have a product, you know that there's something really wrong. And two things that falling out. So maybe this is shocking for young women. But for every woman who was pregnant, or is already like a little bit older, they will know that things happen. And they are uncomfortable. And that's why it's very important, not only to really feel how the pelvic floor is working, where everything is located. And also, of course, for pleasure, but also to really also know okay, this is how it fades in the front, on the sides on the back. And this is how it feels when I do a Kagan exercise. This is what it feels when I lift my leg. The more you practice your pelvic floor integration exercise, the more you will also feel everything from the inside without needing to check everything with your finger. But at the beginning, you need to see like where is it? What is what is it? And also I think it's really necessary for all women to know what's inside my vagina and how, how does it move, you know, like, like the uterus cancer little up and down and you have to know it should be checking daily, just to know You know why you're washing you said, just put a finger in and see like, is the soft or is it a little bit feeling like a nose? Is it coming down?

Sarah Milken  19:51  

And especially during menopause? You should probably check in a little bit more because there's all sorts of different things happening in there. Exactly, exactly. Right. Oh my gosh, yeah, I definitely need to work on that for sure. In terms of you talk a little bit about trauma, and you talk about how pelvic floor integration really helps women, connect with the pelvic floor and release a lot of trauma. And you talk about how a lot of our trauma is stored there. But if we go to talk therapy, talk therapy is great, but it doesn't actually physically release those traumatic memories and feelings. So can you tell us how the pelvic floor integration helps with that.

Coco Berlin  20:37  

So we can go to therapy like somatic experiencing, for example, what I really recommend, especially for a lot of people who are really in their head, it's so important to get to know techniques that work with the body, because trauma is stored in the body. And the science is catching up every day, more and more, that we have to work with the Body Talk to her peak is really like wonderful to make you conscious about things, how you behave, and what understand what happened. But many things resolve themselves without us even needing to be there. And oftentimes, just by doing these movements, and by just feeling through the emotions, maybe just let yourself cry, and don't try to find out why you're crying. Many women are just like, also crying in the workshop. Or like, yesterday, somebody said, I was crying here, because we did a workshop yesterday. She doesn't know what happened. And I also had a lot of interesting things coming through me, where I didn't know what it was. And it might be that it's not even my own stuff, but really stuff that's epigenetically stored in my body. Yeah,

Sarah Milken  21:48  

I mean, I'm just learning about this. Now, this whole idea of ancestral trauma, and how there are things that you know, have happened to ancestors prior to us that we store a lot of that energy in our bodies, like if you take the Jews and the Holocaust, and all of those types of events, and how have, we don't work them out at a certain generation, then it just keeps going on and on and on. So I thought that you're sort of kind of bringing that into the pelvic floor. And talking about that was interesting is the trauma sort of workshop or poses is that different from just sort of an everyday pelvic floor integration? Or is it all sort of the same and together,

Coco Berlin  22:34  

yes, it's all sort of the same and together, so it doesn't matter whether you just you know, lay in bed and feel your body and start some pelvic floor exercises, then you're already healing. So you're making your body mind connection, stronger, you're down regulate your nervous system where things can come up, you create a space for yourself where your body feels loved and accepted, and can start to bring up some things because it knows, oh, now it's safe. Now, maybe I could show this emotion and show this emotion. And the more you open, the more you can heal yourself. And you don't need to workshop for this, you can just do it in your home, it will be in our like in the home is in the home, you have your safety in your home. But then on the other hand, you don't have somebody who really guides you. And then in the workshop, it can be very transformative, because also other women share what they experienced in the end also can give you the validation that you're fine, too. And it's really wonderful. This sharing this vulnerability,

Sarah Milken  23:37  

you also have YouTube videos, too. So if people wanted to do it in the comfort of their home, but still sort of have a guide. Oh, yeah.

Coco Berlin 23:45  

But but you know, this, this thing that we do, it's like only five minutes, so I'm not sure you will get very deep there. But it's something for every day.

Sarah Milken  23:53  

Yeah, that was my next question is how do you know when you've reached pelvic floor integration success? Or do you not? Is it like a constant journey? Like how do you know if you've gone from not integrated to integrated,

Coco Berlin 24:09  

so when you do it, and it feels good, then you're already doing it? Right? So if you do it, and you know, wow, I want to do it tomorrow, then then you're doing it right. But if you do it and you think like oh, that's kind of boring, then maybe it's not for you, you know what I mean? So yeah, cuz

Sarah Milken  24:25  

anytime we start something new, even like meditation, you're like, my thoughts are going I'm failing this This isn't working. What the fuck is happening here, you know, but I'm wondering with this is, you know, a lot of it is so much the mind that you have to sort of build it as a muscle of just getting better and better at it.

Coco Berlin  24:45  

Yeah, but you weren't immediately a few more sexy sort of focusing but if you do half an hour, you will immediately have a better sex the next time you're having sex, because your nerves are already a little bit more awake and you're already more connected to your Body, and then everything has already like, you have more blood flow, you know, like your vagina is more juicy already, it can start right from the first time. And then you just observe it, how it gets better and better. It's like, when do I have the perfect skin? You know, like, right? You know, like, like, when is it? When is it finally? Is there one day we I will just never watch it again and never put on makeup because I'm to stand in this is the same thing. It's like, you have to constantly do it like you're constantly taking a shower. But it just feels great. And you do it when you're running. You do it when you're in the gym, when you're doing your yoga, it's just more connected than usual. And you just feel better than usual.

Sarah Milken  25:42  

Do you have like a short quick thing or some kind of mantra or something that you say to yourself, that sort of immediately puts you in that place of connection with that pelvic area?

Coco Berlin  25:55  

I don't think so. No. Okay. I also don't work so much with mantras

Sarah Milken  26:00  

or doing a mantra, it's like if you just sort of feel out of control or disconnected or like something that you can say to yourself, like Coco, we got to reconnect here.

Coco Berlin  26:10  

Exactly, this is what I say, so that I go into my body, because when I feel that something's out of control, then I know my mind is outside there somewhere. And then I just know I have to get into my body, feel myself and feel the gravity and know that I'm in my body because it's easy to get out. Especially if you have been traumatized. You know, you just learn getting out of your body so that you default to dealing with stress. And then that's why it's constant practice, because I was the best in leaving my body. So I left my body and I saw like I was abused. I said, Ah, you think you're abusing me. Whatever, I'm above here, I totally don't care. I feel no pain, nothing. And then I thought like, I'm so cool, you know, but then at the end when I grew up, so shit, that's why I don't feel alive. That's why I always feel left out. And then I realized I have to get into my body. And that's where my power is. When I'm in my buddy, then I'm in control. I know what's going on. I can judge the situation. I know what to do.

Sarah Milken  27:13  

Now, myself and many of the listeners listening to this podcast are considered midlife, whatever that means. 40 Plus ish, whatever. But what have you found in your research and in your practices like for midlife women? I mean, it's important for every woman, but why is this so fundamentally important? Is it because of menopause? Is it because of all the things that menopause can sort of start to create, you get loss of libido a little bit inelastic or dry? And what can this do for us?

Coco Berlin  27:47  

Yes, so basically, the earlier we start, the better. But if we haven't connected to our policy in a healthy way for all these years, so the longer we don't do it, the longer it takes to reconnect. And of course, we have a different I'm also in my 40s We have a different upbringing than the girls today. If you're a mom, you're better man than your mom was. You know, we're just getting better. And the kids now have it easier. You know, they have the pussy yoga. So my method was not around when I was a kid.

Sarah Milken  28:18  

How does pussy yoga, as you say, Help us rediscover our instinctive and playful sides I we talked about sometimes on the show, in midlife, we're trying to sort of go back and reconnect with some of our old pleasures or find new pleasures, and redefining what pleasure means to us. So how can push yoga do that?

Coco Berlin  28:40  

I think it's just when you connect to your body, you just find these things. You can't take life too seriously, when you really can see it out from your playful body. I think there's no overthinking about it. You know it just play with yourself. And you just develop this.

Sarah Milken  28:58  

If you were to ask your husband, How is Coco different since she started the quote pussy ogre or taking belly dancing from belly dancing to pelvic floor integration, like how do you think he would describe that?

Coco Berlin  29:13  

Yeah, let's ask him. You know, I have grown and changed over time. So I can't really say I started this when I was in my early 20s. I can't really say

Sarah Milken  29:25  

so. It's really helped you come into yourself? Yes, I

Coco Berlin  29:29  

would rather say it helped me grow up, but also stay playful, and not take things too seriously. Enjoy life.

Sarah Milken  29:38  

Do you have any advice for midlife women who are looking to sort of self reinvent and reconnect with their inner selves?

Coco Berlin  29:47  

Yes. Take five minutes a day to do the center stance work out it's free. It's on my page. And you can just download it and then you have it for yourself and do this every morning. Just see how you feel after the first time, the second time, the third time. And then you can start to move like this already when you're in bed. So you wake up and you don't think about it to do so just feel first arrive in your body and your stretch. You look at your beautiful hands, the beautiful toes are everything is stretching, fear the sheets around you a few, maybe the person who's in bed with you. And then you can go about your day like this always connecting to your body. You can be earnest and stress when when you're in this inhale, beautiful body.

Sarah Milken  30:35  

Yeah, I love what you're saying. Because it's also I think the basic premise of it is being present with yourself. And I think so many of us lose track of that, and appreciating and the senses and feeling the day and not just the to dues but like, Hey, I'm alive today. This feels good.

Coco Berlin  30:53  

Yeah, you know, and really just feeling the wind on your skin, feeling the wind in your hair, in are really appreciating. And because life is short, you only have this. And this doesn't matter how many cars you have. But it matters how you feel every day. And the more you practice to feel good, the more it just becomes second nature. Because our brain we build our brain as we go. And if we just practice every day to just feel and feel and feel. I think then then you can't get not playful.

Sarah Milken  31:25  

Yeah, I think midlife is definitely that time when we're, we're kind of all searching for it. And like what does it look like? And what does it feel like and kind of getting over certain shames or exploring different sexual things. It's like a lot of us are so inhibited because we didn't live in this sort of very free way. And so it's kind of taking the shame away and reconnecting with our bodies and like figuring out like, what feels good, what doesn't feel good, and what can I do to get there? So I think your book is amazing.

Coco Berlin  32:00  

No, I have an idea. When you asked me about the mantra, the mantra would be

Sarah Milken  32:05  

fear. Yeah. Oh, I like that.

Coco Berlin  32:08  

So you feel the energy, you feel your body, you feel your breath, you feel the energy in the room, you feel that other person. Yeah. And

Sarah Milken  32:17  

I also think feeling the energy of emotions, because like you said, Sometimes women are crying. And maybe they don't want to be crying, or they're embarrassed to be crying, but feeling that feel and like releasing, it is so helpful for our personal growth. Yeah, it's true. I love that. So I want to thank you. And I want to talk for a second about where listeners can find you what they can find you doing.

Coco Berlin  32:47  

Yeah, so I think the best thing is going to my homepage is cocoa minus for Like this minus like in mathematics, cocoa minus for And then you will find my center stands work up, it's just five minutes. And then you really dive into your body. And I recommend just try for one week, do it every day, and see what changes.

Sarah Milken  33:08  

I'm going to do it I did it yesterday. I'm gonna keep you posted on that.

Coco Berlin 33:13  

Yes, do this. So that's what I recommend. And I excited to hear from you. So if you can write to me, you can find me on Instagram On Facebook on YouTube. And I just love to connect with you.

Sarah Milken  33:25  

I love that Coco I want to thank you for helping us understand how and why the word pussy has been so triggering, and how your pelvic floor integration pussy yoga, and all of your techniques I've helped so many women connect to their pelvic floors feel better, feel more connected and as you say icing on the cake have better sex. I want everyone to think about what should they can start doing today. One small step Coco Berlin thank you so much.

Thank you sir. It was great to be here. Hey, peeps, it's me again. I listened to this episode with cocoa Berlin so I could summarize the golden nuggets for you to have actionable items to start using today. I know that when I listened to a long episode, I'm like, oh my god, I love that. But now I can't even fucking remember the specifics. This is why come back and do a golden nugget summary. In this episode we discuss connecting with your pelvic floor and using posi yoga. Yep, the word pussy. Okay, golden nugget. Number one pussy yoga. Pussy yoga creates a stronger connection between your body and mind. Cocoa recommends doing Perseo go when you are stressed to help relaxation, digestion, creativity and connect with your spirituality. She explains the exercise of pussy as sending energy in the mind body connection rather than actually feeling your muscles contract. She says it personally helped her stay playful and enjoy life without taking things too seriously. Kegel exercises just work on the muscles directly surrounding your vagina. Coco's movement and yoga based techniques strengthen all three layers of your pelvic floor. Golden Nugget number two, better sex is the icing on the cake. Now my favorite benefit from pussy yoga is feeling more sexy. Coco explains if you practice pussy yoga for five minutes a day, you will have a better sexual experience because the nerves are already more awake and you'll feel more connected to your body. The more you practice sensuality, the more it just becomes second nature. Pussy yoga gets the blood and juices flowing. And you know, in midlife, we need that shit. Golden Nugget number three wisdom within. Koko explains the pelvic floor as the center of your body and it's where you derive your power from connecting to your pelvic floor can help you feel more control over your body and your life thus creating a sense of assurity when faced with difficult situations. When Coco is connected with her pelvic floor, she feels encouraged saying I have to get into my body. And that's where my power is. And when I'm in my body that I'm in control and I know what's going on and I can judge the situation just know what to do. The pelvic floor holds the wisdom inside of you Golden Nugget number four personal exploration. Coco says that one of the ways to really feel your pelvic floor integration working is through the personal exploration. Simply using your fingers can be a necessary tool for understanding the changes of your vagina and mid life. This could also help when practicing cable exercises and discovering your pleasures. Golden Nugget number five creating a safe place for healing past trauma. pelvic floor exercises also create a space for yourself where your body feels loved and accepted. Coco explains that this can help us bring up past traumas because your body now feel safe. Coco says you're making new mind body connection stronger and you're regulating your nervous system where things come up. Practicing this vulnerability with your mind and body will start the healing process. Golden Nugget number six. Reclaiming the word pussy. The word pussy can be triggering, but Coco believes it's time to flip the script and take it into our own hands. She explains the only reason we have been told to not use the word pussy is because most people use it in a derogatory way. Coco describes the word pussy as a very strong and commanding attention. The gold is dripping off these nuggets, grab it use it, there are three things you can do first, subscribe to the fucking podcast. Second is share it with some friends who like mid life shit. I mean, there's nothing better than a friend telling you to listen to something and third, write an apple review. writing reviews is so annoying. It's an extra step. But guess what? It really helps a podcast grow and you think your little review doesn't matter? It matters if you went to a show or a concert and everyone said to themselves up my clap doesn't matter then there would be no clapping you all matter. Write the review. Okay. DM me you know I will always respond to anything and everything and if you don't know how to write an apple review, I think I've told 100 women how to do it. I have this little like 10 seconds video that shows you exactly how to do it. Oh and of course, follow my instagram at the flexible neurotic da love you talk soon