10 Things To Age Powerfully In Midlife

Elissa 00:00:00  It's gotten out of control. The whole health, you know, and what's out there and what's offered. And we need to figure out, you know, what, few things will work for us.

Sarah 00:00:14  Hey, peeps. Welcome to the Flexible Neurotic Podcast. I'm your host, doctor Sarah Milken. Yeah, you heard that right. I'm a real PhD doctor. Long, long ago, like last fucking year, I was sitting in the midlife funk wondering, was this it for me? That day, I realized I needed to get off my ass and start my midlife remix. I dusted off my PhD, wiped the menopause sweat off my forehead, grabbed my golden shit shovel, and started digging deep to all my midlife bitches. It's not just luck, coffee, and hormones that get you through your midlife remix. It's action steps. Let's do this. Welcome back to the next episode of the Flexible Neurotic Podcast. I'm Doctor Sarah Malkin, the flexible neurotic. Today on this midlife podcast where we talk about all the Uggs and fabulosity of midlife.

Sarah 00:01:15  I have an amazing guest. Wait till you see her. I know you're going to know her from Instagram. She is a holistic nutritionist, has a star studded celebrity clientele and just normal people like me. And she is basically a cleanse expert, transformational expert, wellness expert and we're going to get into it. I'm kind of calling this episode and ask her anything about midlife health tools and all the things that we we see on Instagram and we're like, oh, I should try that. I want to know about that. Those are the questions I'm asking today. Today I have Alyssa Goodman say hi. Oh my God. Oh my God, so good.

Elissa 00:02:00  I have to. I was thinking about this because. Wasn't I one of your first?

Sarah 00:02:04  Yes, you were one of my first.

Elissa 00:02:05  So fun that on zoom.

Sarah 00:02:08  And I know over Covid.

Elissa 00:02:10  So thank you for having me back.

Sarah 00:02:12  Oh my God. We've been, like, trying to put this all together. You're a very busy woman. Very busy.

Sarah 00:02:16  Yes.

Elissa 00:02:17  Lots going on in my life.

Sarah 00:02:18  Oh my God. Well, we can get into that as deeply or on deeply as you want to, but I think I want to start with the fact that so many of us midlife women are being flooded with information on social media all over the place. Do the infrared sauna stand on your head, go to fucking yoga, sweat your balls off, jump in a cold plunge? You know all of these things, and sometimes it feels like too many things and too much information. And so today, I kind of wanted to say, let's take an hour and break down. Kind of like your top ten of 10,000 things that, in your experience, have really helped midlife women live their optimal lives. Because obviously there's no perfect. but I think there are things that in your experience, clinical experience and expertise that could really help women who are like, I can't do 450 things, but maybe I could do ten, or maybe I could start with one, whatever that is.

Sarah 00:03:27  So I guess the first question I have is what does wellness mean? I know you have a very specific definition of it.

Elissa 00:03:36  I do, that's a great question because we are I mean, I just we are flooded with TikTok and Instagram and just everything that's going on these days. Wellness has exploded. and it's overkill and it's like overwhelming. And people don't know where to start. So they don't start, right?

Sarah 00:03:52  Oh no. It's like analysis paralysis. Yes.

Elissa 00:03:54  You're like so I think wellness is starting, you know, somewhere. And I think it really is. I feel like finding that peace inside yourself and that calm and that place where you honor who you are and you do want to feel good in your life. You do want to thrive. You do want to age and have energy. And to me, that is what it's all about. And there are simple things that we'll get into of how to do that. But I think it is really about do you want to thrive? Do you want to be energetic as you age? Do you believe that as you age, you're not going to have those things.

Elissa 00:04:35  You're going to have menopause symptoms. You're going to have weight gain. You're going to have no sleep. You know, like anxiety. Whatever it is that we talk about and complain about high blood sugar or cholesterol or, you know, like we don't have to have that as we age in. That's what I consider wellness.

Sarah 00:04:52  Yeah. I mean, and I also love how you sort of frame it in a lot of your Instagram posts and what you write as kind of finding what works for you and what might work for someone else might not work for the next person. So for example, like you're the juicing queen. Someone else might be like, I can't eat vegetables because my stomach hurts or whatever, but in your expertise you're able to say, okay, well, if that doesn't work for you, then like, let's try this. Yes. And it's not just very kind of cut and dry like you have to cleanse with the juices, right?

Elissa 00:05:27  Or one size fits all. Yeah. You know that.

Elissa 00:05:29  Yeah. When I talk to my clients or even friends, I do ask them a ton of questions. You know, what's going on in your life? What? How are you feeling? Are you stressed? Are you sleeping well? And it does come down to a lot of, you know, emotional, mental capacity as what they will do with food or hydration or exercise, you know, So I do try to find out or digestion when we're stressed, you know, we our digestion shuts down when we're not sleeping. Well, our digestion doesn't work well, you know. So that's a huge thing, Sarah, in terms of like what they're going to be able to eat and what they can't eat, and finding out like what their life has been like, because we hold all this stress in our gut. That gut is huge. It's our instincts. It's our intuition. No. Right.

Sarah 00:06:19  And I don't think a lot of people quite understand that direct connection between gut and mental health, gut and everything.

Sarah 00:06:28  And so I would love for you to kind of just give us the highlight of that, not to say that you can answer all the questions about it, but I think it is something that is highly overlooked. Yeah. I mean, I know that I'm ready for the poop test, that GI mapping thing, and my whole family is going to do it. That thing. I mean, wait till that those shit boxes show up and I'm handing them to my kids. It's going to be like, it's going to be epic. They're going to hate you. Hate. They already do. Because I'm like, we're doing blood test today, you know? And everyone's like, why are you doing that? Your kids are 20 and 17. I'm like, they're like many adults. They have issues. I mean, my son eats more sushi than I could even tell you. Right. And like, his mercury is high, so now I have to deal with that. So there are things that happen in teenagers.

Sarah 00:07:15  It's not just like you're 50 and you're fucked. It's like, you know, teenagers have stuff too.

Elissa 00:07:21  Well, I'm so glad you brought that up because I've been dealing with a lot of teenagers and young adults, and it is so much fun to get them for.

Sarah 00:07:29  You because they're not your kids. Exactly. Yeah. Come to my house. It's like a shit show.

Elissa 00:07:33  I did do it with my daughters, but they didn't listen. Yeah, okay. Now they are very.

Sarah 00:07:37  Oh, they probably think you're like a queen. They're like, this bitch is my mom.

Elissa 00:07:42  Like, whoa! But the friends, kids and all of that, I'm finding hormone imbalances. I'm finding when they do a GI map, which nobody likes to do, by the way, that I'm finding major Candida or just bacterial or fungal or viral issues in their gut, you know, no wonder things aren't working well. But I'm also doing blood work on a lot of them as well. I'm doing in-depth blood work that is not expensive and basically covering all the bases, all their hormones, all their heavy metals, all their metabolic markers, their thyroid.

Elissa 00:08:14  You know, I can tell if someone has like parasites, I can tell if they have, viral or bacterial fungal issues by their monocytes or lymphocytes or in their blood. So I've been having so much fun just being able to get people back on track, you know, with some in-depth blood work. So but it's the gut is so crucial because like I said earlier, it is our it's where our instincts are. It's where our gut intuition is.

Sarah 00:08:42  We women no.

Elissa 00:08:43  Shit do we do. And we know what's right for us and what's not right for us. So every client I talk to is like, you've got to tune in to your gut if I'm going to recommend, like, let's say this probiotic to you, or juice. Okay. Like if you take it and you don't feel good in your gut just telling you, oh, I don't really want to do that or I don't really don't want to juice like you're saying, you know, too much effort, too much energy. You're not going to do it.

Elissa 00:09:08  It's not going to work for you. So the gut is so important and it needs what's happened is we have had really shitty food. You know, we've had fungal, viral, bacterial infections in our gut. we have had too much sugar. So we have too much candida, so to speak. We have parasites.

Sarah 00:09:25  We have probably like a Candida over. Well, I know I have to do.

Elissa 00:09:30  That even though I'm so clean, I still have some high candida from all the years of eating sugar and all of.

Sarah 00:09:36  That crazy that it can accumulate over such a long period of time. It's like you talk about like kids who have taken Accutane when they're younger, or tons of antibiotics, like, a lot of that stuff comes up later. And there are things that takes so long to undo.

Elissa 00:09:51  That's a perfect example. Every Accutane person that I have had in my practice has major digestive issues.

Sarah 00:09:59  Yeah, I have two kids with Accutane. You know, who strips.

Elissa 00:10:02  All your microbiome? Yeah.

Elissa 00:10:04  And also birth control strips. It also over-the-counter meds. So it has synthetic Tylenol, Advil, thyroid medication like even those strip your microbiome because they're synthetic medications. So we really got to work on, you know, restructuring and rebuilding, refilling our microbiome with beneficial bacteria, food bacteria, supplements that work for you.

Sarah 00:10:26  I'm not eating sauerkraut.

Elissa 00:10:28  So you don't have to, but there is a drink that I just discovered that is.

Sarah 00:10:32  Yeah, I was like, what's your simple? So simple.

Elissa 00:10:35  Yeah. So it's called kefir labs. It's sold everywhere in one bottle. I think it's eight ounces. It's 100 trillion beneficial bacteria. So it's a I.

Sarah 00:10:47  Used to drink.

Elissa 00:10:47  Ounces a day.

Sarah 00:10:48  Oh, I could do. Yeah, I took a shot. Shot?

Elissa 00:10:50  Yeah. And so to take you or take a pill like.

Sarah 00:10:53  Fermenting sauerkraut and doing like, science projects and it's, it's like little.

Elissa 00:10:59  I know. Kimchi sauerkraut.

Sarah 00:11:00  No no no no.

Elissa 00:11:01  No, it's right. I mean.

Sarah 00:11:02  I'll come to your house if it's like, prepared by, like, a chef and an amazing meal, but like to have a bowl of sauerkraut in my fridge. No thank you.

Elissa 00:11:10  And we're also not doing enough probiotics because people are taking 10 billion or 20 billion. Honestly, all my clients are on 100 billion or more. 200 billion, 300 billion. I know that sounds like a lot, but we need that because we don't absorb all of it, you know, and we're so depleted. And also I work with a lot of clients, like I try to lower all of their bacteria viral issues, their pathogen loads in their gut and then rebuild the microbiome because we all have that going on as well. So it's important to kind of do a little bit of both and find out what is going on? I can usually tell when I talk to somebody what kind of issues they have, whether it's bathroom issues or diarrhea, constipation, or.

Sarah 00:11:53  Said, I don't know if you said it on a podcast or an Instagram post where you're like to poop once a day, you're still constipated.

Sarah 00:12:02  I was like, I can barely do that. Like, what are you talking about? Yeah, but my husband shits like three times a day. It's so annoying. I know, I know, he doesn't even, like, take anything special. It's like, I feel like, guys, it's just easier. I don't know.

Elissa 00:12:17  Guys do have someone.

Sarah 00:12:18  Really love me.

Elissa 00:12:18  Sharing that a little easier to, like lose weight, lose lose your. Yeah. So yeah, we're supposed to poop multiple times a day after we eat, we're supposed to have food go in and go out, but we have food sitting in our system for years. It ferments. It hangs out in there. That's what causes all kinds of issues, you know. So yes, we are supposed to eliminate. So what are.

Sarah 00:12:41  Your thoughts on Colonics I love them you.

Elissa 00:12:43  Do I.

Sarah 00:12:43  Do.

Elissa 00:12:44  I some people overdo them. That's another thing that's happening these days. We talked you're saying earlier. Yeah. Infrared.

Elissa 00:12:51  Come on. Yeah. You know hyperbaric chambers.

Sarah 00:12:53  Like I mean I know that this is not like a medical podcast, but your average client who's open to that. Yeah. What would a colonic schedule look like? Well, first of all, can you tell people what colonics or I can do the gross description. Yeah, but not the medical one like yours.

Elissa 00:13:08  Right. So it's not really that medical. You stick a tube up your ass.

Sarah 00:13:12  Hahahahaha. And you vacuum your shit out.

Elissa 00:13:15  Your shit out is really good. When I was diagnosed with cancer 32, I dove into all the LA things that were happening and that was one of them. And I did colonics once a week. I mean, it was not fun. They're not that pretty. They're, you know, it's not pretty to see what's coming out of you. but it did help me a lot because I was constipated and had a lot of, like, digestive issues. But I think it's great to do once a week if you're having digestive issues, if there's something going on, if not once a month or every.

Sarah 00:13:45  Three months, addicted to them where your body is like, oh, I can only poop if I'm doing it sometimes.

Elissa 00:13:50  You can. Yeah. So you don't want to do them too much. Got it. Yeah. You really I mean, there are other there's supplements that help you poop like magnesium at night, but you got to take enough.

Sarah 00:13:59  I know, and you know, when you read the bottle, it's like, take two. And I'm like, dude, I'm taking like six, right?

Elissa 00:14:05  I know it depends. Yeah, some people are on 1000mg. Yeah. So it just depends on also there's probably some other stuff going on in there that y you are not, you know, so I mean I know what I was hypothyroidism and a lot of my clients who are that do are constipated because it's one of the symptoms, one of the major symptoms, you know. So it really is you know, taking there's other things to take as well, you know, making sure you're getting enough fiber, which is we don't really talk about fiber.

Elissa 00:14:33  So I know I.

Sarah 00:14:35  Mean, so annoying.

Elissa 00:14:37  Just in terms of like getting it in your diet.

Sarah 00:14:39  Because you're just thinking about like, okay, well, like, even like the little supplements or the crackers, you're like, okay, that's four grams. And I'm supposed to be at 30, like, it's going to take me all day to get there. Yeah. Then I have to deal with the 100 and whatever grams of protein. It's like a full time job.

Elissa 00:14:54  It is a full time job. I know, I know, you know.

Sarah 00:14:57  But the thing I did like knowing was that an avocado was like half of your daily requirement for fiber. Yeah. So I'm really trying to focus in on that because I feel like it's a one. Yeah, it's it's half the battle.

Elissa 00:15:13  Yeah. I don't know. I just there are simple foods to add in, you know, chia seeds two tablespoons or ten grams. You could throw in some water, you know, or throwing your juice.

Elissa 00:15:22  You know I sometimes do that. The avocado half of avocados 9.5. It's like crazy high a cup of raspberries is 8.4g. You know, beans, like a half a cup is, I think 9.5g. So you can get there if you're a little bit plant forward. You know in terms of I.

Sarah 00:15:42  Love that term. Tell us about.

Elissa 00:15:44  This plant forward. Yeah. Yeah. It's just like it's really focusing on getting enough plants into your diet and complex carbs like legumes and beans and you know, the cleanses that I do now, I have four of them that.

Sarah 00:15:56  I'm amazing that.

Elissa 00:15:57  I send out. But they're I'm just trying to teach people I'm an animal protein eater, but I'm just trying to.

Sarah 00:16:02  Teach people.

Elissa 00:16:03  Stick to the same, same. I had a burger last night.

Sarah 00:16:06  I mean, sign me up.

Elissa 00:16:08  Grass fed burger that was delicious. That at the Soho House?

Sarah 00:16:12  Oh, I was like, it's not that easy to find grass fed. Yeah, no. Burger lounge says it's grass fed and I'm.

Elissa 00:16:17  Sure is it? I know, you know, I just feel like I love I'm a middle of the road girl. Like I love food, I love eating, you know. And so. But the cleanses are just really trying to train people to get more vegetables in their diet. I want people to get 8 to 10 cups. So just to tell you how easy that can be is you said earlier I'm a juicer. I've been juicing since I had cancer at 32. So I'll put in just celery, cucumber, lemon, ginger, parsley, cilantro and spinach into a blender. And I'm getting five cups right there. Okay.

Sarah 00:16:52  So let's talk about the blender for a quick fact. So you said that before we started recording you said you switched to a blender. Yes. And it used to be a juicer. And I remember it was like a special juice or something or other whatever. But this is different because now you're saying that the way you're doing it now is adding more fiber. Yeah.

Sarah 00:17:12  So tell us, like how you discover that and what.

Elissa 00:17:15  It was just random. My juicer kept breaking and I got frustrated, you know, and then threw it into the blender because I was like, you know, I want to have a juice and and put a little water in with these veggies. And then I realized, wow, I kind of am missing out with the fiber part too, because it is hard to like, figure out how to get in a fiber and to go to the bathroom multiple times a day, so I it was just delicious and it filled me up more. It satiated me. now most clients are like actually doing that. It's. And it's so easy. Cleaning a blender can be a pain in the ass. Yeah. Cleaning up.

Sarah 00:17:51  I just leave it for my husband because he's a juicer.

Elissa 00:17:53  A blender is easy, right? A blender is easy. Just throw it. You know, that's easy. So, I don't know, I just I felt really good and satiated with the blended drinks now.

Elissa 00:18:04  And some of my clients will throw in, like three tablespoons of hemp seeds into the blended green drink, and they'll get ten grams of protein and they'll be getting greens.

Sarah 00:18:13  Full bloated mess. No, no, not with.

Elissa 00:18:15  Hemp seeds and.

Sarah 00:18:16  Not farty.

Elissa 00:18:16  Yeah. No not at all. No. It's wild. It just.

Sarah 00:18:20  Feels good. The. So before you would put the cucumber or the celery in well not the celery because but you would, you would maybe the machine would take the skin off and all of that.

Elissa 00:18:30  Yeah. Now I just.

Sarah 00:18:31  Now you're just throwing it in everything.

Elissa 00:18:33  Everything. Wow. Everything. And it's really fun.

Sarah 00:18:35  So what juice did you have this morning?

Elissa 00:18:37  So I had cucumber, celery, lemon, ginger and parsley. So also parsley cilantro are incredible things for heavy metal detox. I'll just say that like a lot of my heavy metals that I test there, we talked about that a little earlier with your sun mercury, arsenic are coming up like crazy.

Elissa 00:18:56  So that is just doing a juice a day, 16oz in the morning is going to help them deplete their mercury.

Sarah 00:19:02  And he's starting that tomorrow after this conversation.

Elissa 00:19:06  But there's so many easy things to do that are these aren't expensive. It's not going. And you were saying earlier to the hyperbaric chamber or the cold plunge or, you know, it's like we gotta first we gotta stay major hydrated. We're so dehydrated. Society 2 to 3% dehydration. Our brain will not work. So I, we won't go to the bathroom. So we got to stay fully hydrated. A lot of people like hydrating powders. They're huge these days. A lot of my friends are of every brand. You have every brand element. Ultima. All of them. You know, all of them. I'm an ultimate fan. Just. I don't know why. I just love.

Sarah 00:19:42  I like it too, because it tastes the most lemonade.

Elissa 00:19:44  Yeah, yeah, I'd say I just dilute it and drink two of those a day.

Elissa 00:19:48  And then.

Sarah 00:19:48  Do you add salt to it?

Elissa 00:19:49  No, because it has chloride in it already. It just doesn't have as much as the other ones do. and that is incredible for hydration. Like I just traveled and I didn't get jetlag at all from the Ultima. It's.

Sarah 00:20:03  Why are you just drinking one packet?

Elissa 00:20:05  I'm doing two to it. Also, it helps you take your supplements because like when you're drinking, oh my God.

Sarah 00:20:11  I do the same thing. My friends will see me and I have like 40,000 supplements and they're like, why are you drinking that with like pink liquid? I'm like, oh, because it's so much easier to get it out.

Elissa 00:20:21  It is not like the.

Sarah 00:20:23  Only one.

Elissa 00:20:24  Opens up your throat or something. It does something crazy, I know, and then I can take all my supplements. I don't have to worry. And I do it with the straw too.

Sarah 00:20:31  And right, boom, boom, boom. And she's like, how are you doing that?

Elissa 00:20:34  Right.

Elissa 00:20:34  So the hydration is crucial. We should make sure get 96oz. Men could need about 120. We're not getting that no chance. But we can. We can count the juices. We can count hydrating things like, you know, fruit and things in there, or a smoothie that's part of hydration, you know, so water isn't the only thing, but that's huge. I think the juicing still, we talked about this years ago, beginning of your podcast. I still think it's it has given me life, you know, and vibrancy. And it helps my skin and helps me go to the bathroom and and it's not.

Sarah 00:21:08  Tell everyone how old you are.

Elissa 00:21:10  64.

Sarah 00:21:11  I mean, holy fuck, I don't understand.

Elissa 00:21:14  Like, I mean, it feels really cool to.

Sarah 00:21:16  Say that I haven't had like, work done. I not yet, no, but I'm just saying, like, it just doesn't even seem plausible.

Elissa 00:21:24  I just feel, yeah, my diet, my lifestyle, you know, just really digging in and figuring out what works for me And I do love life.

Elissa 00:21:34  I do love helping people. I love giving back. I love what I do, and also I love people, you know? So I just feel like life is incredible, you know? I'm not I'm I'm a happy girl. I wasn't always happy, I wasn't always I.

Sarah 00:21:50  Remember you talking about your when you went to when you first got the diagnosis and you went to the radiologist. He said, are you happy? And you were like, no.

Elissa 00:22:00  Most of my life I haven't been happy. I start, I got happy at 58, so I'll be honest with that.

Sarah 00:22:05  Like, that's such an amazing thing to say for our listeners right now, because that just shows you that it's never too late. And I think a lot of times in this age range when our hormones are starting to get wonky, we start to believe, like, is this my new normal? Like feeling a little flu ish, a little tired, a little cranky, like, I don't want to do that. Yeah, and I guess it really doesn't have to be our new normal, but it's so hard to find the right resources and the right people to help us solve those problems.

Sarah 00:22:39  Yeah.

Elissa 00:22:40  You know, I think that like, also going back to our instincts, our intuition, like if we really want to solve them, we'll find the right people. But you're right. It has become a little bit tricky and complicated these days because the good doctors, the functional naturopaths, or even a OB that's really good, or a general practitioner that's good, they don't spend the time with you to find out what's going on in your life, what is not working and what's working, you know, and mostly I talk to my clients and find out what's not working and try to kind of help them, like figure out how can we get you past those places that aren't working. There was a lot not working for me. many, many years, you know, so I just was so dedicated at wanting to feel better and feel energized and just be. I never thought of being a spokesperson for older women, like going into their 60s or late 50s, but I just feel so lucky to be able to do that.

Elissa 00:23:38  I think that, you know, there are people out there that can help us, and I think we can find them. We're at the right place at the right time. Yeah, right.

Sarah 00:23:47  But I also think, like we were talking about before we started recording, and I think sometimes the accessibility piece is hard because doctors are busy and they give you a medication or a supplement, but they don't have time to text you back and forth and be like, you're like, oh, my stomach kind of hurts. Do you think it's from the supplement? Is that normal? So then you're like, fuck it, you give up on it or you stay taking it. And maybe it wasn't the right thing for you. So it's hard to kind of do that when you don't have major accessibility. Yeah.

Elissa 00:24:18  So that that is why I give my clients major accessibility to me. They text me, they have my phone number, they can email me anytime. I know they've never taken advantage of it. It's so wild.

Elissa 00:24:31  It's like email, text, like when they're having an issue, because I'll give them a supplement regime and a food regime, and sometimes it doesn't work. One supplement doesn't work. Like text me, tell me that that didn't work. So there are 50 million things out there that I could give you that will work, you know? So if I know what's going on personally with you, I can help you with better, you know, in terms of like, figuring out exactly what I can give you to work. So I feel like there are more and more of us out there that are willing to do that. And I have a natural path that I love that is willing to do that. You know, some doctors that I love that are willing to do that, that, you know, like, you know, her. Suzanne Lenz is beautiful at that coming up.

Sarah 00:25:15  Yeah.

Elissa 00:25:16  Doctor Enigma is you know, Talib is great with that. I mean, you know, there are some people that you can have some accessibility with.

Elissa 00:25:24  And also nurse practitioner with Doctor Dominic Reed is good. You know, there's definitely some people out there. Yeah, there are people. They're few and far between. But I think.

Sarah 00:25:32  Especially also with like the menopause hormone situation, there's so many nuances to it. Right. And so many like I have so many friends are like, but I don't want to do that because it's not if you take this, then this happens. You have to be willing to sort of participate in the experiment. Yeah. Like no doctor is going to know right off the bat the exact amount of HRT that works for you mixed with the exact amount of progesterone, and then all the other things they get get added in and like, should you be on testosterone at the same time and blah, blah, blah. And it's not like it's the doctor's fault, but you have to be willing to be like, okay, well, that scenario didn't work. Now we're on to the next scenario.

Elissa 00:26:17  Exactly. I mean, I think, you know, the HRT thing is like pivotal, you know, and menopause and like, have most.

Sarah 00:26:25  Of your clients doing and who are they seeing?

Elissa 00:26:28  That's a really great question because I would say most of them are doing HRT. So and by the way, they're doing the ones that just do maybe two like estradiol and progesterone and not do testosterone don't do as well. So really right now the ones that are doing all three are doing exceptional, and also the ones that are starting slow and kind of building up. So like I in the old days, they started them higher dosage and they really did not do well. You know, they blowed it up and they got gained weight and they didn't feel good. Nowadays people are like, hey, we'll start slow and let's build you up in that way. Also, I'm testing my clients for DHA and pregnant alone. so a lot of the one that is what's that is more nuanced. Yeah, that is it is, you.

Sarah 00:27:15  Know, whereas most doctors are not doing that.

Elissa 00:27:18  Yeah. And that's going to support the hormones you already have and your endocrine system and your thyroid and your adrenals because that's all affecting your hormones.

Elissa 00:27:27  So I absolutely love that, you know, in terms of like their on hormone replacement, but also we're giving them a little maybe pregnant alone in HRT because they're so low.

Sarah 00:27:37  What is pregnant alone do.

Elissa 00:27:38  It helps support your and the whole endocrine system your thyroid, your adrenals, your estradiol, your testosterone, your progesterone. DHEA just helps support your estradiol and your testosterone.

Sarah 00:27:50  But isn't DHEA the sort of precursor to testosterone like? Yes. So it is. You need your DHEA at a certain level for testosterone to work.

Elissa 00:28:02  Sometimes. Sometimes you do. You need at 200.

Sarah 00:28:05  I'm about to start at a minimum.

Elissa 00:28:07  Yeah. And yes, someday there's I think pregnant alone might be 175, 185 or something like that, depending on the how the blood works taken. But yeah, we do. And all doctors miss this. You know, it's crazy. Yeah. And also all doctors miss Like really testing the full thyroid function. You know, they test to TSH, but they don't test free T4, t3, reverse T3.

Sarah 00:28:32  Right? I have a goiter. Yeah. And so for me we just like have had to like manage that since I was about 24. But I take synthetic I take synthroid I know we've talked about that but I don't know if that's good, if it's bad, if it works.

Elissa 00:28:46  Does it work for.

Sarah 00:28:47  You. It works.

Elissa 00:28:48  Yeah. So if it works for you, it's great.

Sarah 00:28:50  But when would you know if it didn't work? Is it the numbers or is it symptoms. What is it.

Elissa 00:28:55  Symptoms.

Sarah 00:28:56  Okay.

Elissa 00:28:56  Yeah you could see it in the numbers. But if you feel great like I had a client the other day.

Sarah 00:29:00  Great overstatement.

Elissa 00:29:03  Girl, but if you feel good, like it depends on, like I'm not.

Sarah 00:29:06  Dying today, but. Yeah. Yeah. Good.

Elissa 00:29:08  But I had a client the other day and she was at 4.53, let's say. And she feels great. So I'm not going to mess with that. But it's high for her. TSH. Yeah I feel you know but yeah.

Elissa 00:29:21  So so I'm like, we're not messing with that. We're going to take care of other things. But, you know, so that is it's just really, I think, more symptom related. people are on synthroid levothyroxine, they don't feel great. So then they're like, what more can I do? The doctors just keeps upping their synthroid. Yeah, I feel.

Sarah 00:29:39  Like I've been on it since I was 24. Yeah. And I feel like I've, I monitor it like three times a year and sometimes for two years. It doesn't change. Yeah. And then sometimes he's like no you got to go up or no, you got to go down. So I don't know what exactly plays into that. I just sort of follow by the rules. Right?

Elissa 00:29:59  I mean, it could be stress in what's going on in your life to sleep, you know, exercise all those things play a part. You know what you're eating. Do we.

Sarah 00:30:09  Live before, like my husband? I'm, like, driving me crazy with all these blood tests.

Sarah 00:30:14  He's like, you know that people did live without before we had all this shit. Yeah, like you're taking this, like, a little too far and I'm like, okay, well, you can say sleepy and tired, but I'm living a different life. And so now, of course, he's like all interested, you know.

Elissa 00:30:28  Right. But I think personally and you know this too, there wasn't as much stress in our life growing up. I feel like as there is today, we didn't have social media to have to worry about. we didn't have kids on social media to worry about that. We also, you know, we didn't have as many shows to watch on the television. So we went to bed at normal hours, kind of.

Sarah 00:30:51  Yeah, you got it.

Elissa 00:30:53  We also ate maybe a little healthier depending on. Yeah, where we grew up.

Sarah 00:30:56  Like metabolic thing that's going on right now. Like all of us are diabetic. Yeah.

Elissa 00:31:00  We're all.

Sarah 00:31:01  Resistant. I mean, I'll be honest, like I have PCOS.

Sarah 00:31:05  I've been on birth control pills since I was 14. Yeah. And I my markers have always been borderline, borderline insulin resistant. And finally my doctor was like, Sarah, just take them at Forman, like, because I was fighting it and fighting it, and I took it for a few months. I'm still on it and my numbers came down okay. But I'm like, is that fake? Yeah.

Elissa 00:31:29  Is that no, it isn't metformin. I mean, he's being talked about. I know all the aging I know.

Sarah 00:31:35  And I'm like, well, now I'm reverse aging myself and it only cost me $8 a month.

Elissa 00:31:40  Thank God it's a lot more expensive. So but no, it's like, you know, Tony Robbins wrote a book about anti-aging and David Sinclair.

Sarah 00:31:49  Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Elissa 00:31:50  And like, all of them are talking about metformin and even doctors are very pro metformin. But I do like to work with my clients on lowering their blood sugar naturally. And you're right, every single client has a too high blood sugar.

Elissa 00:32:03  And they are a bit insulin resistant. And I'm shocked, you know, at what's going on here. But we are just eating too much sugar. We are drinking too much alcohol. Unless you're someone who is I don't drink alcohol.

Sarah 00:32:15  That's the funniest thing, right?

Elissa 00:32:17  But we just we, you know, there's.

Sarah 00:32:20  Enough cars to come.

Elissa 00:32:22  Exactly. But like, there's there's some great supplements out there these days. Mansa berberine I take metabolic daily. You know, they're lowering like, blood sugar like crazy. also insulin. We have it, cleanse. It's called the gut cleanse. And what is been tested is lowering bacterial loads in the gut to help reverse insulin resistance. Wow. I know it's crazy. So they're on five days of activated charcoal and then rebuilding their gut. And their insulin gets back to a normal level. It's wild.

Sarah 00:32:55  So but then when they come off that cleanse what's the maintenance of that.

Elissa 00:33:00  So they really just have to try to eat as healthy as possible. You know, like they can't go back and do the activated.

Sarah 00:33:07  Charcoal keto diet.

Elissa 00:33:08  No not really. No. They can eat just normal. and they might want to revisit the activated charcoal like three months down the road, six months down the road. You know, sometimes we kind of have to keep working on ourselves to figure out, like, how to keep our sugar good, how to keep our pathogen loads low, like sometimes we just are or our hormones balanced, you know, I mean, like you said it earlier, I can like, go for years and be great with my Hashimoto's because I have that. And then all of a sudden I get Covid and my antibodies go through the roof, you know, or I break up with my fiance. Yeah, antibodies go through the roof, you know. So there is shit that goes on in our life. Yeah. That we've got to revisit and like figure out, okay. Now I got to get myself back together. And also we're not going to be good in 100% perfect all the time. No.

Elissa 00:33:59  Like you don't preach that, right.

Sarah 00:34:00  No. My my preach is like good enough, you know, like one step up from good enough. It's like, you know, if you can't do something that day, it is what it is. It is.

Elissa 00:34:10  Don't beat yourself up for it.

Sarah 00:34:11  Yeah, you.

Elissa 00:34:12  You absolutely have to live your life and not take this stuff so seriously. You know, when you take it seriously, that's when things get out of control.

Sarah 00:34:21  I'll be doing this shit all day long. I know, I know, you could wake up in the morning, do Andrew Huberman stare into the sunlight, be intermittent fasting, then juice, then work out, then sauna, then cold. I mean, like, do people have jobs.

Elissa 00:34:37  Like, I don't I don't.

Sarah 00:34:38  Know what I'm saying. Like, you literally could be doing this all day long and sideways, but that's.

Elissa 00:34:42  Someone who's really obsessed with it, you know, and maybe like they do it for a week and they feel better and they're doing it for, you know, a goal.

Elissa 00:34:50  But I don't believe in that.

Sarah 00:34:52  But do you feel like you help your clients find the few things that work for them? Yeah, because that sort of.

Elissa 00:34:59  Yeah, yeah. And like I said, like I really get into their psyche like I find out, are they going to juice or are they going to do a cold plunge or are they going to wake up? And I asked my.

Sarah 00:35:09  Husband, I was like, let me get a cold plunge. He goes, Sarah, jump in the fucking pool. The heat's not on. And I'm like, I'm not doing that.

Elissa 00:35:16  Yeah, right. I know it's cold. I know I don't really love the cold plunge because I'm always cold anyway. Yeah. No, no I.

Sarah 00:35:21  Know and I can't do the sauna because I have melasma. Oh so I haven't been able to find an alternative to that, right? Because I can't heat up my inner. Yes, but hot yoga. No.

Elissa 00:35:32  Yeah. No, I think they're like it.

Elissa 00:35:35  Like we said earlier, it's gotten out of control. The whole health, you know, and what's out there and what's offered. And we need to figure out, you know, what, few things will work for us. I mean, like I said, hydration is simple and so, so crucial, you know, and making sure we're going the bathroom a few times a day is also really crucial because it's going to make you feel lighter. Yeah. And it also is going to detox all the shit out of your system, literally, literally, you know, like cholesterol and all the viral and.

Sarah 00:36:07  Estrogen.

Elissa 00:36:08  And extra estrogen, right. All of that. Like for the menopause. I mean, it really is important. It's going to make you feel lighter. It's going to help with weight loss. So that's important. And then maybe, maybe juicing or adding more vegetables into your diet, you know, to get the nutrients at a cellular level. That's also crucial because yeah, we'll take both of us will take the 50 million supplements or 40%.

Sarah 00:36:29  Yeah, exactly. Because that's the other question I was going to ask you is bioavailability. Yeah. Like how much are you really taking in.

Elissa 00:36:37  It's you know it depends on like also like your gut and how healthy it is and how you can break down these capsules and these, you know, like the veggie capsules or not veggie capsules that they're the supplements are in. I like powders and liquids more because of that. But yeah, I think food is where it's at. When you take do my cleanse for five days, I see miraculous changes in people who eat the food and don't do supplements. You know, like they're better, they're mentally better. They think more clearly. They sleep better, they poop more. They lose weight. And they're eating all this food and they're like, Elissa, I've never eaten this much food. This is crazy.

Sarah 00:37:20  Did you did did I make this up, or did you recently add some animal protein to some of the cleanses?

Elissa 00:37:25  We will do that for people who wanted okay.

Sarah 00:37:27  Because I need that because, like, if you give me soup, I'm like, no, no, thank you I know.

Elissa 00:37:33  Yeah. No, we've been doing that.

Sarah 00:37:34  I need to like yeah.

Elissa 00:37:35  You need to eat. Yeah.

Sarah 00:37:36  Because I can't even eat smooth. Like, for me to drink a smoothie with protein powder.

Elissa 00:37:41  Is not your thing.

Sarah 00:37:42  It just I drink it, but then I, like, still want to eat a piece of chicken. It doesn't process the same as for me.

Elissa 00:37:48  I like food. I like to eat something and like, yeah, choose something. Yeah, we're giving like grass fed chicken, or we're actually doing wild salmon for clients throughout the week. And we're adding that to the program. And that's been huge. mostly heeding instructions.

Sarah 00:38:03  Mostly men who don't cook.

Elissa 00:38:05  Yes, yes, it's very easy, super easy. And then we came up with a you won't like this at all, but we came up with a three day digestive reset, which is all liquids.

Elissa 00:38:15  And the cool thing about this is that we're emptying out people's gut, their intestines and their colon. So we don't ever have an empty gut intestine colon situation going on. People are going crazy over this cleanse.

Sarah 00:38:30  I mean, I could look, I've done a colonoscopy. I did punch a karma, you know, like that five day are you Veda.

Elissa 00:38:37  Thing I love punch.

Sarah 00:38:38  I don't know, ten years ago. Yeah. So I am capable of it. I just mentally fight it because I can. I'm convincing myself that I'm starving. Right?

Elissa 00:38:46  I know, I know, you have to be in the mood and you have to be in the right place. Yeah. My mind frame for all this, you know? but it really is. It's just it's fun. Like I said, those, you know, the hydration, the juicing, the, you know, also sleep. We all know. I mean.

Sarah 00:39:03  Sleep's a nightmare.

Elissa 00:39:04  Important. It is one where your body resets and recharges and we are going to bed too late.

Elissa 00:39:10  We're not getting eight hours. You know, us women need 8 to 10 to reset our adrenals. Men can get away with seven.

Sarah 00:39:17  Oh my God, I was solving peace at 2 a.m..

Elissa 00:39:20  I mean.

Sarah 00:39:21  I know my husband's snoring away, right?

Elissa 00:39:23  And I'm like, you're like, nothing's bothering him.

Sarah 00:39:26  I've solved all my kid's problems. You know, I've written six podcasts in my head, you know? And he's just.

Elissa 00:39:33  Right. I know, I know, that's what I feel like is really beneficial for me in terms of, you know, just the anti-aging. So. And it also helps with everything. That's when your liver detox is that's when your brain detox and.

Sarah 00:39:44  You sleep supplements that you recommend. And what are those.

Elissa 00:39:47  Do I love? Well, I love the magnesium. And I also love this product called Deep Sleep. There's so many, so many. I mean, you know, it's called it's from Genuine health. Deep sleep is incredible. I also love you know, I've been taking this cortisol calm that just kind of, you know.

Sarah 00:40:05  That.

Elissa 00:40:06  Is beautiful for lowering class or cortisol. Because, you know, I'm going, going, going all day like you. And I'm like kind of amped up and like, that's the problem with most of us women. Like, yeah, by the time it's time to relax and go to bed, we're still amped. Oh, and we're still ready to take, you know, on the day, like you said. And even though we're kind of tired but we don't tap into it.

Sarah 00:40:27  Get into that like adrenaline that over tired I'm just going to keep going thing. And then I think we start moving into the adrenal fatigue zone. Yeah. And I got to chill out. And you're talking about the adrenal fatigue on Instagram and saying that not enough of us know what it is and what the symptoms of it are. Right. And you even gave an example of a woman who thought she was having hot flashes from dipping estrogen, and it was actually like adrenal adrenals. Yeah. Can you tell us about that? Yeah.

Elissa 00:40:59  Because, well, the adrenals are really super crucial there where we hold our key, you know, for our entire life. So. And our adrenals get so taxed. You know, there's small little two organs that we are tapping into constantly. And that's where the cortisol and adrenaline are being pumped out of. So even like getting a like let's say I mean, I'm so excited to be here that's tapping into my adrenals, you know, like if, you know, we can't just stay zen and chill and calm. I'm not that's not my personality. So adrenals are getting taxed like crazy and we're not really we're we're tired. We're brain brain fog. Yes. We get hot flashes because adrenals are out of whack. we there's a lot of things that go haywire. Our thyroid goes haywire first before our, our adrenals get whacked, and then our thyroid goes haywire. So that's the first thing to get, you know, like taxed. So we're we're constantly living in a society that's go, go, go.

Elissa 00:42:02  And that is doing a number on our adrenals. So we have to figure out the meditation or just sleep. Those two things in itself are huge, you know, for your adrenals, like we have even five minutes in the day. Not a lot, five, ten minutes of of meditation to.

Sarah 00:42:20  Just what kind of meditation do you like?

Elissa 00:42:22  I just do my own. Like I go on unplug, which I love because I.

Sarah 00:42:26  So you don't repeat a mantra to yourself, I do, I do how you do. See, that's really hard for me.

Elissa 00:42:31  Yeah I do, I like.

Sarah 00:42:33  Guided, I love David, geez, I know boys.

Elissa 00:42:36  I love him too. I fall asleep to him.

Sarah 00:42:38  Me too. I mean.

Elissa 00:42:40  there's so many good people out there with that. But I do, I do a mantra like, I'm like, you know, all I need is love. I'm safe.

Sarah 00:42:50  That's the Louise Hay thing you're talking about. Tell us about that.

Elissa 00:42:54  I just, you know, we all a lot of us don't feel safe and loved.

Elissa 00:42:57  And I just like when I tapped into my own self-love. Not in an ego way, but just in a self-preservation way. My whole life changed. And then when I tapped into the safety of my life, am I safe? Like, guys, I never felt safe growing up. So that's a whole other podcast. But. So I feel like when I tapped into, like, I'm safe, the universe has my back. I know that sounds very.

Sarah 00:43:21  Woowoo no, but for Ella, it's not against me.

Elissa 00:43:24  Yeah, yeah, and it isn't. And I know that, you know, so I that's when I relax and everything in my body just chills out. So I think that that, you know, just simple things like that can really do wonders for your adrenals and also your hormones and just also your digestive system and everything, you know, to be able to feel loved by yourself, to be able to feel safe in the world, you know that the world isn't like you said against me.

Elissa 00:43:54  Yeah.

Sarah 00:43:54  And if things happen, most of the time, they're figure out, not all the time, but most of the time. And that's what I say to my kids, too. Yeah.

Elissa 00:44:04  I mean, a lot of those things that have happened in my life that haven't been good have been benefits. Now, like, I'm thankful for them because it got me to this place where I'm like, wow. Like I was able to get through all of those hard things and now I know that I can. So as things go on in my life, as I get older, you know, I feel like, okay, I can handle that. But I know as a youngster it wasn't so easy. Yeah. but it's really just kind of tapping into the fact that we are so resilient and we're so fucking strong. Yeah, I see stage four cancer heal holistically. That's great. I mean, it is. I mean, Sarah, that is crazy. It's crazy without meds and I'm a med believer.

Elissa 00:44:45  Yeah, I'm not an anomaly, but I see when they tap into their psyche and get back into that love and that calmness and where they can allow their body to heal, it's remarkable. And it's with any health issue.

Sarah 00:44:59  Now, why do you think there's so much cancer right now? I feel like so many people that are so much younger are like getting diagnoses. It just seems. Are we just detecting it more or is it really?

Elissa 00:45:14  Partly. Partly, but I think it is. Heavy metals cause cancer. Okay. Where are we.

Sarah 00:45:20  Getting heavy.

Elissa 00:45:21  Metals? We're getting arsenic from the water. From LA's water is really bad in arsenic, by the way. So at one point, I had to double filter my water because my arsenic was a little high. Then. Chicken and rice are very high in arsenic are things that are, you know, that people aren't eating Lundberg Tests. They're rice for arsenic. Okay. Just people aren't they're going out. So they're not getting really high end chicken.

Elissa 00:45:46  also mercury, you know, is fish. We all know that one. But also my a lot of my older clients have mercury fillings still, and they're leaking because they had them when they were in their 20s, got their fillings in and now they're 5060.

Sarah 00:46:01  So there's I don't have any feeling.

Elissa 00:46:03  Thank that you're lucky.

Sarah 00:46:05  My dad's a dentist. Oh.

Elissa 00:46:07  So your teeth have been good all the time.

Sarah 00:46:09  But let me sit. Look, he has fillings. I think I just got genetically blessed up until 49. I'm going to say that and have nine fillings next week. But I'm thankful that, yeah, I already have so many other health little things going on in my body. I'm like, I don't eat, don't do. Yeah, no, no.

Elissa 00:46:26  But heavy metals that were like a little bit of a slow flame and they cause inflammation and then they just cause all things to go kind of awry in the body. So then blood sugar, another one ozempic is going to help the cancer rates, you know.

Sarah 00:46:40  Okay. Tell us about that. Because everyone is so up in arms about Ozempic and all of these things.

Elissa 00:46:46  I'm not opposed to his epic. If you have blood sugar issues, you know, blood sugar, obesity, blood sugar is causing high cancer rates. We know that. So Ozempic is helping those things go down.

Sarah 00:46:59  But what's the difference between taking ozempic and like a metformin?

Elissa 00:47:03  So ozempic is like, you know, definitely a peptide that actually is going to help your blood sugar go down. Metformin is an anti-inflammatory drug, so it's going to help, but not in the same way as Ozempic. Okay. So Mozambique's been around forever. Yeah. You know, we just haven't used it as a weight loss. We did use it as a blood sugar. So but now I think, you know, people who do have are massively obese. Those are people who are getting cancer too. Also, we talked about stress. We didn't have the stress that we have today. And kids have so much stress and a lot of trauma that they're not dealing with.

Elissa 00:47:41  So I feel like that's a cancer issue. you know, they're just things in our environment. You know, there are like plastics and mold. Mold.

Sarah 00:47:51  The mold thing scares is.

Elissa 00:47:53  So crazy rampant. my son.

Sarah 00:47:56  Was in a dorm last year, and I was like, there is for sure mold in this stinky ass. Did you smell.

Elissa 00:48:02  It? Or just that he wasn't feeling.

Sarah 00:48:04  Like the kids are always like coughing and breathing? I mean, they're redoing them now and they're 10,000 years old. But it's like even in new construction, there's mold, right? Right. And it's like, how do you. Yeah, account for that. And not every house or place you go to and you do like an air mold test is going to show you something. It's a little bit of guesswork.

Elissa 00:48:25  It is, it is. And I my daughter too was she was at college and the radiator next to her was totally moldy. And she was sick all the time. Yeah. You know, and then she moved into a new construction condo in West Hollywood, and it had complete mold.

Elissa 00:48:40  It was brand new. So you're right. It's like, you know, you just you'll know it. You could smell.

Sarah 00:48:46  It. Are there any filters or anything that you think actually help? Because.

Elissa 00:48:51  Good question. The air doctor has always been a good one. But I think that you've just got to like. You got to test. I test my house for mom.

Sarah 00:48:58  Did you make her move out of it?

Elissa 00:48:59  I did, yeah, absolutely. Yeah. So because I could, you know, she is very sensitive. So she was getting sick. So I think, you know, mold is a huge problem. And I just think, you know, with, hormone meats and bad seed oils from the restaurants, you know, the last few years with Covid, we've been ordering in, right? Or maybe people started cooking, which would be a beautiful thing, but we're ordering in a lot from Postmates, and then we're getting crappy chicken and meat and fish, and we're also getting bad seed oils.

Elissa 00:49:28  So there's just a lot of crap out there. You know, we just we're on slotted with toxins. I know, you know and Europe doesn't have the same you know non restrictions. They're they're restrictive. We just are open book to like whatever you know here. Mold and coffee right I know.

Sarah 00:49:46  Let's talk about that for a second. I only have one cup of coffee a day okay. But I don't know when I read about the mold the mold I'm like maybe my pot isn't so great.

Elissa 00:49:59  I know we do drink a lot of coffee. One cup of coffee isn't the biggest deal, but people are drinking. Is that moldy.

Sarah 00:50:04  And is that too much more?

Elissa 00:50:06  It depends on the coffee beans. You know, I just did a thing on which coffee beans were clean and which ones weren't.

Sarah 00:50:12  But I don't want to have to do the coffee beans. Is there a pod? There's not.

Elissa 00:50:17  Yeah there are. Just get an organic one, okay. Yeah. So they probably won't.

Sarah 00:50:21  Be hazelnut flavored, but it's probably.

Elissa 00:50:23  True. That might be a little tricky to get over. And then I'll.

Sarah 00:50:25  Add 17 other things to it just to shut it up a little.

Elissa 00:50:29  Bit. That's what I mean. You know, it's just it's hard. We gotta just figure out, you know, where what works for us because they're. You're right. There's a lot out there. Soy got a bad rep. Oh, my God, the bad seed oils get a bad rap. Like, you know, the hormone meats get a bad rap. I mean, it's just never ending. Yeah, and for thyroid issues, you know, we we couldn't eat any cruciferous vegetables, you know? And that was all bogus.

Sarah 00:50:54  Okay, wait, this is totally random. I just got an AK, an A and a marker for autoimmune. Yeah. What? What am I doing with that?

Elissa 00:51:03  So did you actually. Was it. Hi.

Sarah 00:51:05  I don't know, it just. He just said, like, you have a marker for it now, which I didn't have before, and now I'm like, does that mean I'm getting an autoimmune disease tomorrow?

Elissa 00:51:14  So basically, yes, Ana is an autoimmune, but I wouldn't worry about it because there's so much you can do for autoimmune issues, like absolutely incredible stuff like, you know, the AMA that's all over Instagram.

Sarah 00:51:28  I have them I just don't take it. Yeah, it's in my kitchen though right.

Elissa 00:51:31  Taking that can help with Ana markers. It's been incredible. It's so good for the gut. You know just really like again it's a gut thing. It's also an immune thing. So upping your vitamin D and making sure your.

Sarah 00:51:44  Vitamin D is too high. Oh so.

Elissa 00:51:46  Okay. So then that's interesting that they you know, it's also stress related. All of that. and we've had some Covid stuff happen in the last few years. And we also have like long term Covid, and that's causing a Anna Marcus to go up. Heavy metals can cause any more. Yeah.

Sarah 00:52:03  My mercury is not high, but I don't know about I don't know if the other ones I don't ask for the other ones. Right, right. That might be too woowoo on the side for them. I'm not.

Elissa 00:52:13  Sure there's so much to do for, you know, but.

Sarah 00:52:16  I do think it comes to this other interesting topic which bugs me to know.

Sarah 00:52:20  End of bloodwork. Normal range. Right. Normal range versus optimal. Right? Right. Oh my god I know we talk about that first I can't it's so annoying.

Elissa 00:52:33  It is annoying I know because you know does.

Sarah 00:52:36  That mean you're half dead. You're only you know like what is that half.

Elissa 00:52:40  Of the clients I was not I would not say half. I would say three quarters of the clients come and they give me their bloodwork and it's not thorough. And they're like, hey, everything's great. I'm in normal range. So I don't look at it like that. I look at optimal. I was trained recently in optimal ranges. So, you know, they don't feel so good. That's why they're coming to me. And I'm like, this is an optimal. This is an optimal, you know, like I, I feel like we need to that normal range was I don't know when it was I.

Sarah 00:53:09  Know it's like the put.

Elissa 00:53:10  Together. Yeah. You know, like it's like the.

Sarah 00:53:12  Food pyramid.

Elissa 00:53:13  Years ago or 60 years. Right, right. It was so long ago. Why haven't we updated to optimal? You know, I mean, we've got to get to we we want to be optimal everywhere we are, you know, optimal food, optimal hydration, optimal sleep, optimal blood ranges. It's not that hard. So you when you look in the optimal ranges and I can help people get exactly where they need to be. It also Sarah doesn't take very long to get them to an optimal place.

Sarah 00:53:43  That's so crazy. Now the optimal range for vitamin D, for example. Yes. What is.

Elissa 00:53:51  That? I would say it's 60 to 80.

Sarah 00:53:53  Okay. Mine was like a over 100. Oh, wow.

Elissa 00:53:55  I know you're taking vitamin D. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, yeah. I don't even think that's worrisome, though. I know.

Sarah 00:54:01  You know, I was like, okay, I could lower my amount a little bit, you know, where's my husband's was like, I'm making this up.

Sarah 00:54:07  But it was like 30. And the doctor's like, okay, that's normal range but not optimal.

Elissa 00:54:13  Right. Exactly. You have to be over 50 to have like really good cognitive function. I will say that. And everybody under 50 doesn't really have good cognitive function. And vitamin D these days there's a vitamin D cell receptor in every cell in your body. So it's important for cholesterol. It's important for gut health. It's important for cognitive function. It's important for immunity. It's important for so many things.

Sarah 00:54:37  And and you have to have it with K right with you.

Elissa 00:54:40  Don't always really. Yeah. Because sometimes people are on blood thinners in case a blood thinner. So they can't take k. Oh so but I think k is beautiful if you can, because K helps the D go into the bones. So that's another thing with HRT and vitamin D and K. And we can go into all of that with menopause. But it's really helped my bone loss. You know like at 64 I don't have osteoporosis I don't have osteopenia.

Sarah 00:55:05  You also do so many things.

Elissa 00:55:07  I don't really. One of my worst things I will tell you is exercise. Okay. I do everything else because.

Sarah 00:55:13  You're naturally so teeny tiny and look fit in ten. You're like, oh, I can just walk and get away with this.

Elissa 00:55:19  I think I can, but I'm not going to be able to like my arms, feel a little, little flabby, and I don't feel as strong. Yeah. You know, so I need to get into that. So I don't do it all that way.

Sarah 00:55:30  It's brutal.

Elissa 00:55:31  I gotta do the weight so hard.

Sarah 00:55:34  So hard. Okay. What about Pro novo. I love it. Thoughts on that I love.

Elissa 00:55:41  It I absolutely.

Sarah 00:55:43  Tell everyone what it is because.

Elissa 00:55:44  It's a, it's.

Sarah 00:55:45  An expensive crazy thing. Yes. that is very out there. Yeah, but tell me why you like it. You've done it, I haven't. Okay? I mean, it's been on my list for a year.

Sarah 00:55:56  Yeah, right. But I'm sort of like, am I going to open a rabbit hole of, like, every little thing that's wrong with me?

Elissa 00:56:01  I know it is. It can be. You know, if you're someone who is a hypochondriac, I would not do it.

Sarah 00:56:07  I'm not a hypochondriac, but I am a solution finder. So if I find something, then you'll.

Elissa 00:56:13  Take care of it.

Sarah 00:56:14  Yeah.

Elissa 00:56:14  So, I mean, I, you know, as you know, I've had, I've had you might not know I've had a good friend. Maria menounos is a friend of mine who, you know, found out she had pancreatic cancer from the pre nouveau. There was a woman who was a who was a broadcaster up in San Francisco who ended up finding out that she had an aneurysm as she's on the table of the nouveau. I mean, I mean, these things have saved their life. You know, we we hear of many other stories.

Sarah 00:56:42  Body scan, body scans up.

Sarah 00:56:44  Is it?

Elissa 00:56:44  With no Radiation. It's probably about 2500. So I think it's going to go down in price as more and more become available across the country. but yeah, it's, you know, if you do it through me, I think it's two grand. You can get a discount.

Sarah 00:56:59  And what's the waitlist for that?

Elissa 00:57:00  It seems very high at the moment, which is kind of a bummer, but, I think they always have cancellations. I just, I loved doing it to just see, you can see if there's microscopic cancer cells in your body.

Sarah 00:57:12  Anything weird?

Elissa 00:57:13  No. There was, you know, some things in my liver that I always knew. but they were like, they're not things that are harmful. We'll just watch them, you know?

Sarah 00:57:23  So how often will you do it now?

Elissa 00:57:25  I'll probably do it every few years. you know, I would do it, you know, if I had something. You know, that if I had a cancer case, I'd probably do it every year.

Elissa 00:57:33  Yeah. or something that was going on with me, but I probably every few years I would do it.

Sarah 00:57:37  And then what about. I don't know if you pronounce a gallery or gallery. The blood test, do you know.

Elissa 00:57:42  Oh, yes.

Sarah 00:57:43  Yes. For 100 cancers, right?

Elissa 00:57:45  Right. I do love that too. I think all of that is if you're someone who wants to find out things, I think it's important, you know?

Sarah 00:57:52  Yeah. I thought the the blood test thing was interesting. When I went to the OB, she was like, oh, do you want to do that? It tests for 100 cancers. And I thought, oh my God, I know, but that's really expensive too.

Elissa 00:58:03  I know, I know, so that when you're young you only have to do it every I would say, you know, five years or whatever. But as we get older, I think it's kind of if you can afford it. Yeah. You know, it's an important thing to.

Elissa 00:58:15  And if you're worried about it, if you're not worried about it, then why do it?

Sarah 00:58:19  I don't know, right? To not be worried about it. And you live in a world like this is a little bit cuckoo and a little fairyland, but whatever I know. Now, I have to ask you these questions because there's there are so many celebrities, so many people who are taking peptides, not just the semi gluten peptide but peptide. But what are your thoughts on this kind of zone of anti-aging Aging injections and aren't necessarily FDA approved. But yeah, be working on people.

Elissa 00:58:52  I kind of love them. Okay. because I do some of them myself. Okay. which.

Sarah 00:58:59  Ones do you like?

Elissa 00:59:00  I, I love BPC 157. it's great for gut health and the having the Hashimoto's. It's been a lifesaver.

Sarah 00:59:08  Is that a is that it's a peptide.

Elissa 00:59:10  It's an injection. Or you could take a pill, but the injection works better also if you have muscle fatigue or muscle soreness. BPC 157 is great for that.

Elissa 00:59:19  Great for that. I would say that I love nad I've kind of been addicted for years.

Sarah 00:59:26  From a lot.

Elissa 00:59:27  Of people. Yeah, I do an injection of nad every day.

Sarah 00:59:30  Oh how many milligrams.

Elissa 00:59:32  I, I don't know what it is.

Sarah 00:59:33  That's probably why you. It's low.

Elissa 00:59:36  That's why it's 50 ML. I don't know what the milligram.

Sarah 00:59:39  Of vagina.

Elissa 00:59:40  Needed. I would love to have one for that because it is crazy amazing and I've been doing it for probably two years at least, or two and a half years when I got 70mg. I don't know what the milligrams is because it's a ML shot, so I don't know what it equates to, but my assistant goes a little crazy when she has to go pick it up, because I go through it so much and it is expensive too. And, you know, it's not.

Sarah 01:00:04  Like a compounding pharmacy.

Elissa 01:00:06  It's no, it's at a yeah, you can get it at something like that. But it's a, it's people who have the peptides who know how to, how to work with them.

Elissa 01:00:15  You know, like I do. Ozone is another. Yeah. It's not a peptide but it's a great thing. You know, if you have an illness to get past. And I had Covid and I did ozone and then the guy who did my ozone said, hey, you should try this NAD injections. And it just kind of changed my life. It does. It makes it your energy. It's cellular energy, you know. So, and there's my.

Sarah 01:00:37  Husband, I want to do it. And he's like, are you sure? But you know that as soon as I do it, he's doing it five minutes after. Right. It's like a joke.

Elissa 01:00:44  Yeah. I mean, like, you know, my parents, like, when they were younger, they were way ahead of their league in terms of, like, health. my mom was. And actually, they used to go to a place in Panama and get exosome shots like unborn lambs sell shots. This is so how crazy.

Elissa 01:01:04  I mean, this is so many years ago. And now there are, you know, those shots that are available.

Sarah 01:01:10  I've done them in my head, in my hair. Do I think it's growing my hair? No. I probably have to like, stick with it. But it was so expensive. I was like, they do this once a month. This is like insanity.

Elissa 01:01:20  It is insanity. That stuff is insane. You know? That is insanity. I mean, we do know that, like, that's like that other whole other league of health and wellness, but they're getting unborn, you know, cells from an umbilical cord. And yeah, they're shooting them into athletes and to, you know, that's why a lot of these guys are being able to play basketball, right? You know, and they're older age. I mean, and my parents came back from this Panama trip and they were super human like I. And I was like.

Sarah 01:01:49  And that's so long ago.

Elissa 01:01:50  It was.

Elissa 01:01:51  So these things kind of peptides have been around forever. You know, all these things have been around. We just are now kind of venturing into them because we've gotten into the anti-aging protocols.

Sarah 01:02:03  What's the other one that's like slightly, maybe more controversial, the IGF.

Elissa 01:02:09  Yeah. What does the human growth hormone stuff. Yeah, I mean, I don't do that because I'm a little bit afraid of that for cancer. You know, like, I don't know, I just have read some studies that, you know, that could be a precursor. That's just, you know, something I kind of am not comfortable with it.

Sarah 01:02:26  So basically you're comfortable with the NAD. I am comfortable.

Elissa 01:02:30  With the B.

Sarah 01:02:31  Whatever that thing was. Yeah. What is it, b.

Elissa 01:02:33  C BPC 107. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, yeah. And then.

Sarah 01:02:38  What else?

Elissa 01:02:38  I mean, I am.

Sarah 01:02:39  Ozone ish.

Elissa 01:02:40  I love ozone, I am comfortable with, you know, those epic if you need it. I mean, it has been changing some clients lives.

Elissa 01:02:48  You know, if they can go back to trying to figure out how to eat.

Sarah 01:02:51  But are they microdosing it?

Elissa 01:02:52  Yeah, they're microdosing. They're not heavy doses. Yeah. So I'm, you know, I'm whatever works for somebody I'm comfortable with. So if it makes them feel good and it gets them to the end game and I'm also I'm as you know, I'm very comfortable with HRT. You know, I still have clients that don't go on HRT because they're not comfortable because of the old studies.

Sarah 01:03:12  Now do you do do you obviously you do it. Yes. And do you do the bioidentical? Yes. Okay.

Elissa 01:03:18  I've been doing it for 18 years. I'm on the same dosage. That's so funny. I started 18 years.

Sarah 01:03:23  What are you. So what do you take for in the female zone? Yeah, I.

Elissa 01:03:26  Take estradiol, progesterone and testosterone take all three. And do you.

Sarah 01:03:31  Just do testosterone on your labia, your inner thigh or sublingual?

Elissa 01:03:36  I would do thigh, but a lot of times I just do them on my forearm.

Elissa 01:03:39  So I do my forearm and I take my progesterone at night. It helps you sleep house with anxiety, as you know. So I just think they're miraculous. And I also think that I love the like, suppositories these days too. Yeah.

Sarah 01:03:54  I mean I use them back. See the vaginal.

Elissa 01:03:57  Yeah. The vaginal I think it's fantastic. Or some people love the patches. Those are a little expensive. But I do, you know, the idea that you don't have to do it every day is wonderful. Do you mean the.

Sarah 01:04:07  HRT patch.

Elissa 01:04:08  Patches? Yeah, I.

Sarah 01:04:08  Haven't done I because like I said, I'm the bad one who's selling birth control pills. But this year is the year where, like, everything you're.

Elissa 01:04:15  Changing and all that. Yeah, you're going to.

Sarah 01:04:18  I know.

Elissa 01:04:19  You know, you have access to it all so hard. I know it's not hard. Like that's what you have to. I feel like.

Sarah 01:04:25  All my hair is going to fall out, and I'm going to be more of a lunatic than I already am, and everyone's going to be crazy.

Elissa 01:04:31  You know, it's only. I've only gotten a few more, like chin hairs. Ha ha ha. Then I constantly have to walk, you know. And also, there's a great little razor that you just do in the car.

Sarah 01:04:44  I'm sure I'm going to get them because I've been taking oral minoxidil. Yeah. So I'm going to have, like, a full fucking beard soon.

Elissa 01:04:51  I'm sure that's the thing I don't love. I don't love the hair growth. Oh my God, in that regard.

Sarah 01:04:55  So crazy. Okay, a few other things that I have to ask. The aura ring. I feel like if I wore an aura ring, I would become psychotic and I'd be like, okay, that night was a fucked up night of sleep, and now I'm going to be a lunatic the rest of the day. How do you wear the aura ring and not become a crazy person?

Elissa 01:05:12  That's a really good question too, because I did become a crazy person. Oh, cool. And I stopped wearing it.

Elissa 01:05:17  Okay. I wore it for three years.

Sarah 01:05:19  Oh my God, I.

Elissa 01:05:20  Might go back to it because now my sleep is great because my sleep was a little fucked up. Okay. but it was crazy making. Yeah, because I thought I got a good night's sleep. And then I look at it and I got a 67.

Sarah 01:05:30  That's what I'm saying. My son wears a hoop and I'm like, why do you even want to know that information? Like I already know that I'm a basket case.

Elissa 01:05:38  Yeah, I just feel I loved it for the walking. That was it. I didn't love it for the sleep. But, you know, maybe now.

Sarah 01:05:44  Since Fitbit or something. You know what I mean?

Elissa 01:05:46  I'll do that. Like, you know.

Sarah 01:05:48  Like the old school my friend was, is like little one that's like sits on her bra, like, I don't know, I just the aura rings. I mean, I, I think it's an amazing product. It's an amazing if you're not a crazy person.

Elissa 01:05:59  Yeah. It's great for heart rate variability to. Yeah. You know, that was like mine were always too low because I was just always like too anxious. Yeah. It taught me to, you know, de-stress a little, but it's too much like you said, it's too much information sometimes for people. Yeah. It's that it's the Apollo. Do you know about that?

Sarah 01:06:19  Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Elissa 01:06:19  It's just like.

Sarah 01:06:20  Stress.

Elissa 01:06:21  At one point I was wearing the Apollo, the aura ring, and I was wearing the blood glucose.

Sarah 01:06:26  Oh, my God, that must have been a hot look. That's like when my husband comes in. He has, like, Rogaine dripping down his forehead. He has his retainer. And I'm like, that's a hot, like, get the fuck out of here. And then he's like. And he's like. And he's like, oh, you look great with your shiny retinol. And I put bag bomb under my eyes. He's like, you look like a Vaseline ball, and I just knock you.

Sarah 01:06:48  None of it's cute, right? But we all have to do our shit to hold our shit together. Exactly. You know?

Elissa 01:06:53  Exactly. I know there are definitely things that, you know, like, as I say, you know, I do the under-eye patches and actually the silicone. Silicone, you know.

Sarah 01:07:04  Duct tape. That's what I need. Like, just a nice roll of bed with that. Oh, my God, my husband would not be surprised. He's like, there's so many things that you do that are so weird. I don't know, I'm like, oh my God, I know.

Elissa 01:07:16  But you're right. All of those devices can be a little crazy making, you know, and I do love the devices. I love the people who started them. I know them, yeah. And I just love, you know, what they're doing. For some, it's.

Sarah 01:07:28  The same reason I don't weigh myself. Yeah, and I never have. I mean, maybe I should have while I was pregnant because it was not a cute look, but, you know, because I don't want to be in that zone of like £2 up, £2 down water weight.

Sarah 01:07:42  Like, it's just crazy making.

Elissa 01:07:44  I know me, I don't think it's good for you.

Sarah 01:07:46  Yeah, it's a whole thing. Yeah. Okay, so we've covered 40,000 things. I have 40,000 more. I'm going to bite my tongue and stop talking. But if you have one piece of advice for midlife women who are craving feeling optimal, what would it be?

Elissa 01:08:06  That's such hard. One piece of advice, girl. I would just say that one piece of advice is that you have to start honoring and loving yourself, and realize that you will find the answers that you need to feel optimal and thriving and great. So if you first, if you start to care about you and put yourself first, which I know is hard for us women. it's not in a selfish, you know, way, but we've got to, like, take care of ourselves and we've got to show our family and our kids that were important. And again, not in an ego way, but just in that we want to feel good and vibrant.

Elissa 01:08:49  And that passes down the line to our husband and our kids and our friends. Right? People want to be around us.

Sarah 01:08:57  It's like midlife self-obsession is approved because and it's not even selfish. It's like, no, I mean, yes, it goes back to the oxygen mask thing. But if you don't put yourself first, like nobody's coming to do my blood work and manage my shit except for me, right? You know what I mean? I mean, I might be managing my husband, but that's just because he doesn't have a choice, right? But I'm saying for me and for my kids, like, no one's going to knock on my door and be like, Sarah, let's test your mercury levels. It just doesn't work like that. So it's on you to listen to podcasts like these, to read books to get information and self-advocate. Totally. And, you know, means.

Elissa 01:09:35  You believe in you.

Sarah 01:09:37  Yeah.

Elissa 01:09:37  You feel.

Sarah 01:09:38  And normal range is not optimal. Nope. That's it.

Sarah 01:09:42  Right? Right. And we're.

Elissa 01:09:43  Drinking water and going to.

Sarah 01:09:45  Optimal to look like you at 64. Holy fuck yes. Before we wrap up, where can everyone find you? Your cleanses, your blood work bundles. I mean, you're like one stop, full stop. All of it.

Elissa 01:09:58  They can find me online. Alyssa goodman.com.

Sarah 01:10:00  Alyssa with a.

Elissa 01:10:01  Knee. You got it. Yes. And Instagram also the same blood work bundle is online and Instagram. yeah. And I do the cleanses in LA and I ship out bars and granola. The bars are so good.

Sarah 01:10:16  So good.

Elissa 01:10:17  And then we just came up with three incredible bone broth. Oh, I knew that. An anti-inflammatory one and an immune boosting one. We're going to ship those out across the country in the fall.

Sarah 01:10:29  Can you freeze bone broth?

Elissa 01:10:31  Yes, absolutely. That's why we can ship them. Wow. Yeah. So excited about that.

Sarah 01:10:36  And the bone broth thing is because it has glycine.

Elissa 01:10:39  It has all the amino acids.

Elissa 01:10:40  It also helps heal the gut. You know, it gives you some protein, gives you college real collagen, not the collagen that you're getting out there from the pores. Yeah. It's giving you real collagen.

Sarah 01:10:50  And how much do you have to drink a day to kind of see movement?

Elissa 01:10:53  Four ounces, even six ounces. So you don't have to drink a full eight ounces.

Sarah 01:10:57  Okay. You notice I'm, like, always trying to find the easy way to do it. Okay. So I'll be coming to your house for some bone broth, some volunteers, so many injections. I mean, maybe the colonics, I'll say for another week. That's good because. Oh my God.

Elissa 01:11:10  That on you.

Sarah 01:11:11  Oh my God, crazy. I've loved having you.

Elissa 01:11:15  It was so fun so far.

Sarah 01:11:16  We got to get this together. I'm sure you'll be back several more times because, I mean, I didn't finish my my whole list here, Lisa. You know, women have questionable thing, you know, I know.

Elissa 01:11:27  You didn't finish your full list.

Sarah 01:11:28  Oh, my God, we have so much.

Elissa 01:11:30  There's so much to.

Sarah 01:11:30  Talk so much about. So much, so much. Love you. Thanks for.

Elissa 01:11:33  Coming. And I'm so proud of you.

Sarah 01:11:35  Oh.

Elissa 01:11:35  Thank you. What you've done and what you've created. It's beautiful.

Sarah 01:11:40  Thank you. I so appreciate that. And I feel the same thing about you because you are helping so many men and women, but especially women, figure their stuff out. It's not always easy.

Elissa 01:11:50  No it isn't.

Sarah 01:11:51  Thank you. Hey peeps, it's me again. I listen to this episode with holistic and celebrity nutritionist and overall health expert Alyssa Goodman, so I could summarize the golden nuggets for you to have actionable items to start using today. I know that when I listen to a long episode, I'm like, oh my God, I love that. But then I can't even fucking remember the specifics. This is why I come back and do a golden nugget. Summary. In this episode, we dig deep with our golden shit shovels in a conversation about all the health and wellness tools you've seen and heard about online.

Sarah 01:12:27  Golden nugget number one. What is wellness even mean? Peeps? There is so much information out there, especially on social media, about wellness, health, beauty, everything. And let's be real, it's fucking overwhelming. This is why I'm so thrilled that Alyssa is here to talk about it all, starting with the biggest question what is wellness? And I loved Alice's definition. She says it wellness is about, quote, starting somewhere and finding peace inside of yourself. It's about finding a place inside of yourself where you are honoring who you are. It's about how you feel good, how you thrive, and how you use your energy and how you want to age. Again, I love that wellness isn't intense diets or workouts. It's a state of being. It's a feeling inside of you that you want to just be at peace. Have you found some kind of peace? This feeling is the feeling that we're all working towards. It's not about being the thinnest or the this or the that. It's about the habits and the tools that are going to get us to this feeling of I'm good enough.

Sarah 01:13:34  Golden nugget number two, the mind gut connection. Oh my God, this one is so good. The mind gut connection is so real. Just wait until I give my kids their shit testing boxes. Actually, I already did give them, because we are getting to the bottom of our gut issues in this household. Not saying that that went over very well, but everyone in the house did it. Still waiting for the results. We'll keep you posted. There is such a strong connection between our mind, our emotions and our instincts and what's going on in our tummies when we are stressed or sleep deprived, or our digestion shuts down. This is because our digestion is like a filter for us to connect with our deeper emotions. A big part of Alyssa's practice is clearing and balancing the gut guide to provide that emotional restoration for her clients. She suggests things like probiotics, fiber, magnesium, juicing or even a colonic to get really clear it out. But again, everyone is different. This is not medical advice, and Alyssa recognizes all of this in her practice.

Sarah 01:14:41  And on this podcast episode, she also asks her patients about what's going on in their lives to get a better idea of why they are holding onto so much stress in their guts. She knows that gut health is not one size fits all. Golden nugget number three be willing to participate in the experiment of wellness on yourself. I know the analysis paralysis of the health and wellness world. It's so fucking real. It seems like personally, I've tried everything under the sun when it comes to my health, and I have so much more on my list of what I want to try. This is the point. Trying it truly is an experiment, as are many things in life. If everyone was the same, there wouldn't be so many options out there. It would just be one size fits all like a McDonald's drive thru. So I hope you got some insight from this episode and have some takeaways to try out next. Maybe you're going to experiment with probiotics or juicing. Maybe you'll sign up for a blood test.

Sarah 01:15:37  Hot yoga and sauna isn't for me because of my melasma, and I have personal data to back that up. But my husband, he fucking does that sauna at least three times a week. I'm kind of jealous. he has not moved to the cold plunge yet. I asked him if we should get a cold plunge. He was like, Sarah, why don't you try our fucking swimming pool? That's not heated? And I was like, I'm good. So we're out. We're not with Cold Plunge right now. I'm not forcing it. I'm just putting my health efforts into other areas. Remember, it's about finding your personal peace and honoring yourself. Golden nugget number four adrenal fatigue. Okay, peeps, this is something we have to talk about. Adrenal fatigue. You know, at the end of a long midlife day when you're supposed to be winding down, but you still are in the go, go, go mode. I mean, come on, I'm solving the world's problems at three in the morning, and you keep pushing a little bit harder to get things done.

Sarah 01:16:31  Well, when we do this, we move into the adrenal fatigue zone. I heard Alyssa talking on her Instagram about how people just don't know the signs of this, which is why I'm so happy we're talking about it. She said that some women can think they're having a hot flash, but it's actually the adrenals. What? Alyssa says that the adrenals are important because it's where we keep all of our chai chai for life. It's where our cortisol and adrenaline is being pumped out from it. So it basically controls if we are excited or Zen. Believe me, I am inflammation station my friends, when they are totally taxed out we get brain fog. UGG. So we have to listen to our bodies people. When we are tired we need to rest. There will always be more time tomorrow to get something done. Alyssa acknowledges that our society does make us feel like we need to be in a constant go, go, go mode and it's so, so important to slow down, unplug, chill, and even meditate to prevent adrenal fatigue.

Sarah 01:17:31  Okay you guys, though, gold is dripping off these targets. Grab it, use it. There are three things you can do. First, fucking subscribe to the podcast. Don't just listen and go. Your subscriptions matter. Second, share it with some friends who like midlife shit. And third, write an Apple review. Writing reviews is kind of annoying. It's an extra step, but guess what? It really helps the podcast grow. Okay, you guys, not only have you just listened to this episode, but also you can fucking watch this on YouTube. Yes, I'm on YouTube now. You asked for it. I'm doing it. So if you want to watch us go back and check that out, the gold is dripping off these nuggets. DM me. You know, I always respond. And of course follow my Instagram with the flexible, neurotic love you talk soon.