I’m a born and bred California girl, raised by two incredible, hard-working parents who drilled into me the values of independence, strength, and education. And you know what? I listened. I followed their guidance, landed myself at an Ivy League university for undergrad, and proudly earned my PhD in educational psychology from USC. I got married to my husband, Jeremy (OMG we met in high school), and started teaching at the Rossier School of Education at USC. I was ready to conquer the world as the career woman I always aspired to be.
And then I met Jake - aka gave birth to my first child - and poof! A whole new set of priorities was born.
Two kids (teenagers - where does time go? I became the woman with old kids at the family parties), several dogs, and multiple philanthropic boards later, my oldest kid, Jake, said -
“Mom, I have a few hundred dollars saved. I want you to have an office with your name on it. You do so much for Marin and me. You talk to us about everything. I think you should be able to help more people. Aren’t you a doctor anyway?”
Those words, coupled with a meaningful 45th birthday gift from Marin (my youngest, aka “my supervisor teen daughter”)—a box filled with inspirational quotes and heartfelt notes from my dearest friends—ignited a spark within me. I took a chance on me and wanted other women to feel “normal” in their midlife experiences. And so, The Flexible Neurotic podcast and IG platform were born. I need to mention that I was a complete social media virgin, never having had Facebook or IG prior to all of this. I am serious-the fckn’ stone ages for me.
Today, my podcast and its following have surpassed my wildest dreams (seriously, you all are beyond amazing!). I made it into the top 1% of podcasts and 50.8k followers in less than three years. Wtf. I was scared and did it anyway- one of my midlife mantras. I'm still fckn’ psyched to get out of bed everyday to share my chats and golden nuggets from my expert guests and my “midlife bff” style” relatable anecdotes. My platform is growing and I just hosted my first live event. Women flew into LA from several states and even the United Kingdom. So stay tuned, because there's a whole lot more of Flexible Neurotic Midlife Shit coming our way!