Born in Los Angeles, grew up in Santa Monica, CA. I love the beach, but I will never get my hair wet.
If you’re here and wondering wtf does she know?
I went Ivy League (UPenn) for Undergrad and got my Master’s & Ph.D. at USC...so I must know something (right?)
My teens say that remains questionable and just too much TMI. Can you say cringe queen?

Met him a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...it was 9th grade, and we went to high school and college together. Way too many hairstyles in between. We’ve been together for a long time - WTF! He questions the flexible part of “flexible neurotic”. Whatever! Ignore. P.S. I lovingly refer to him as “IG husband” on IG stories because he hates IG and only got an account to follow me. I love making fun of him. I also call him the pantomime because he won’t even speak on IG.
Makeup everyday, glitter eyeliner, gold hoop earrings, Vans & Golden Goose shoe problem, animal print leggings.
When I turned 43, out came the reading glasses. +1 magnifiers! One of my biggest midlife moments is becoming the person who needs to use my phone light when reading a menu. WTF but whatever, I’m owning it. Check out my specs vibe! Oh and my husband is 47 and he doesn’t wear readers. I can’t even!
“Teen Son” as I affectionately call him on IG, is my oldest child (I say child and he is 19 and going to college). I named my son after Jake Ryan, in “Sixteen Candles” movie and my “Teen Daughter” as I call her, named after Amanda Peets’ character, Marin, in “Something’s Gotta Give”… but don’t tell anyone. They’re good peeps. I like to think I taught them something. College is right around the corner for teen son, like August 2023. Am I that old?
…are amazing. They live three blocks away and my husband just loves the surprise visits. My dad has the same blue eyes as my son and my brother. My mother is also neurotic. LOL!
I’m a Pisces with Capricorn rising (I just learned the rising part)
I love screenshotting IG and sending inspiration and good laughs to my friends
I type texts with only my right thumb
My iPhone storage is always full (according to my husband)
I always have candy in my purse
I carried wipes in my bag before COVID
I don’t share my water bottle (even with family)
I eat carbs, I’m one ¼ Italian
If i don’t have time to shower, I rinse the core areas
I curse too much
My husband’s fave quote, “Good luck to you, you birthed yourself”… about my teenage daughter.
I have the cutest English Cream Retriever named Chance, I have accepted his shedding & that he is my husband’s soul mate.